
Apple sued because its devices display porn

CNET: A possibly optimistic lawsuit brought by a Nashville lawyer insists that all Apple products should have an antiporn filter.

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iSpy3983d ago (Edited 3983d ago )

Surprised! "apple devices introduced him to porn" I think he doesn't know what a PC is

caseh3982d ago

Clearly never been on the interwebs before has he.

evil_element3982d ago

His first search sentence in google - xxx sexy ladies.

We should sue all the TV manufactures because theirs naughty channels on services like sky.

kingPoS3982d ago (Edited 3982d ago )

Either he's feels self entitled or has been ignorant the fact that most web browsers don't have built in porn filters.

People like him are part of the reason why we can't have nice things.
This screams *money grab* Guys like him help give lawyers a bad rep.

Quote: Moreover, he insists that he was trying to log onto Facebook.com when a completely innocent maneuver -- a spelling mistake -- landed him on F***book.com. ----

This "appealed to his biological sensibilities as a male and led to an unwanted addiction with adverse consequences." ----
"Apple employees know that a man is born full of harmonies and attacked to by women engaging in sexual acts with the intent to cause vicarious arousal." ----
"The Plaintiff began desiring younger more beautiful girls featured in porn videos than his wife, who was no longer 21," says the suit.

So he's essentially saying he has little or no conscience or will. Um yeah, I wouldn't want to be around someone so easily influenced.

hazelamy3981d ago

i'm guessing he meant hormones, not harmonies.

because harmonies makes no sense in that sentence.

but then he doesn't seem like he's all there anyway so who the hell knows.

look at "attacked to by a woman"?
that doesn't make sense either.

mind you, if this is how badly he writes, that could explain how he could mistake a U for an A and a K for an E when trying to go to facebook.
pairs of letters that are pretty far apart on the qwerty layout Apples devices use for their on screen keyboards.

Soldierone3981d ago

Device has internet, device can view porn, common sense dumba.... I'll just stop.

hazelamy3981d ago

no, no, no.

this needs to be laughed out of court, and he should be made to pay every single penny of the costs.
if it ever gets to court.

firstly, it his first exposure was by accident?
no, i mean, how do you accidentally press the U when you meant to press A, which you'd have to mistake facebook for fuckbook.
Apple devices on screen keyboards have a standard qwerty layout, A and U are almost as far away from each other as it's possible to be.

and he didn't just visit it once, but many times, then he got addicted and his marriage fell apart.

and even if the porn site did do something to entrap him or make him addicted, and it wasn't just his personality that made him latch onto this, and i don't see how they could have unduly affected him like that.
Apple didn't create the site, they don't run it, they don't host it, he just willingly used their device to access that site, many times.

i'm not a fan of many of Apples policies lately, but this guy blaming them for being so weak willed is beyond a joke.

what needs to be done is this suite being treated with the contempt it deserves and then this guy getting some kind of psychiatric evaluation.
because clearly, he has problems.


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sonicwrecks100d ago

I've fixed the images on some of these past submissions of yours. Please in the future make sure the image isn't broken on submission.( I always found it best to download/upload it to be honest. )