
Samsung Galaxy S4 release date, news and rumours

TechRadar - It certainly feels like Samsung is taking over the world right now – at least, the Android world. There's no doubt that last year's Galaxy S2 was arguably the phone of the year.

And not in recent times, discounting Apple of course, can we remember the anticipation and expectation of a phone as much as the Galaxy S3.

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Syko4172d ago

I love my S III but I swear to Christ it's like I got this thing Day one as soon as the place opened and then Samsung was like...



CraigandDayDay4172d ago


Yeah, they're getting about as bad as Apple on releasing them yearly. haha Oh well, though. You'll always have your rich and spoiled kids/people who will buy them up, even though they bought a new phone only like 6 months ago.

I have an iPhone 4s and really badly want the 5 but I'm going to wait until the 5s next year cause that's when my contract will be up (June '13) and I'll be able to upgrade for way less.

The Galaxy S3 is a very nice phone and I'm sure the S4 will be too, but I'm an Apple guy. I've invested in the Apple ecosystem and it'll take an extremely awesome phone to sway me away. All the Apps, Music, Movies, and TV Shows I've bought on the iTunes Store (and gotten free digital copies of movies from BluRay movies) probably are worth hundreds if not a couple thousand dollars in value. Most of my library consists of DRM-free MP3 songs, though, so a move to Android is not completely out of the question in the future. I do tend to buy all my music through iTunes nowadays though. It's just much nicer to use than Amazon or other MP3 providers.

Raf1k14171d ago

I think yearly updates are OK but I think upgrading or buying a new phone yearly is a bit much.

I think it's better to get a new phone every other year that way it's actually more of an upgrade over your previous one. This works out for most since a lot of contracts these days are 24 month contracts.

I have an S2 and haven't jumped on the S3 even though the phone is quite a big step up. Instead, I'm getting the S4 which will be much more worthwhile since it'll most likely blow everything else out of the water. I just wish Samsung would create a phone that actually feels like it's good quality.

Syko4171d ago

Ya, 100% agree man. I had the Galaxy S and skipped the S II in favor of waiting for the S III.

CraigandDayDay4171d ago

Yeah, the one thing Apple DOES do right is their build quality and quality of materials used. Their workmanship on the iPhone 5 is pretty dang good.

Samsung needs to ditch the plasticky phones in lieu of ones made of better materials.

Speed-Racer4172d ago

"But then again, that's not Samsung's way really, is it? We want to see bigger, bangier and faster, so doubling it again to an OCTO-core would be the way to go."

What are users processing that they need these powerful chips? lolol

iNFAMOUZ14171d ago (Edited 4171d ago )

uh file shares i.e videos, pictures, word docs., music, 3d game streaming, and not to mention multiple ui functions that coincide with other ui's, for that it requires a smoother experience, as technology becomes more and more adamant and sophisticated along comes the many power hungry applications and behind it user usage.

samsung is genuis and they are thinking logically better than apple

Speed-Racer4171d ago

but I can stream 1080p just fine on a quad core, not to mention all those other apps... why do I need 8 cores? Gaming maybe, but there are no apps out there that require such power. The only thing 8 cores is gonna do is shred battery life.


Apple lists 8 Samsung products it wants banned

News10: Apple Inc. has submitted a list of eight Samsung Electronics Co. products it wants pulled from shelves and banned from the U.S. market.

bahabeast4271d ago

apple your going out of control about now. samsung isnt the onli company you should go after thier are some others that according to you copied you design.

iamnsuperman4271d ago

What I don't get is the design thing. Apple were not the first to do the square design and also isn't the big issue about consumers getting confused between the two. Well if someone can mistake a Samsung phone for and iphone when the logos are not only completely but the phones themselves have visible differences ( I managed to by my iphone without getting mixed up with a Samsung one). I do not mind them wanting a ban on products that have apple patented tech inside the device but the way it looks??? Abusing the system

News4Noobs-4271d ago (Edited 4271d ago )

But what you don't get is that lately, every android is coming with the front and rear camera, volume buttons, home button, speakers and pretty much everything on the same position (same look) that Apple is doing it. Every time apple invent something, new way to use things (like new interface), functions and even products, you see smart phones coming the same way... Just like the iPhone 4, we were used to see black phones (most of them), but once apple came with a white phone, now new phones are coming white, not that apple invented the white color, but the point is that not one uses something until Apple start with it. Conclusion? Copying apple

You will see apple with a new phone with no buttons at all (if they do)... Watch all the other companies doing that after that.

killerhog4271d ago

I had devices that were white and had built in speakers way before ipods and iphobes dude and volume buttons on the upper left side. The only thing I give apple credit for is front and rear camera.

badz1494270d ago (Edited 4270d ago )

look at this and tell me if that doesn't look like an iPhone 4 to you design-wise! and it's WHITE! Samsung released this in 2009 and iPhone 4 was announced in 2010!

stop being blind! Apple is not 1st to make a smartphone and definitely not the 1st to design something rectangular with rounded corner! but they are certainly the 1st to abuse the design patent for this design! typical Apple patent trolling!

NewMonday4270d ago

the Galaxy s1&s2 looked like a bigger Iphone 3, and their are other models that also look like it

that's where the trouble started, the Galaxy initial popularity was from copying

GribbleGrunger4270d ago

Thank Christ Apple couldn't patent numbers

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4270d ago
geth1gh4271d ago (Edited 4271d ago )

Google now owns motorola and that is one of the companies apple has been picking on. Just read a article yesterday about how google is now suing apple and have plans to get every ipod, iphone, and ipad banned.

Now will something that extreme happen? No. Will apple run back to California with it's tail between it's legs? If there is one company on this planet that can do it, it's google.


evil_element4271d ago

Lol, Google has run out of proxy companies to use to attack Apple.

Let the battle begin.

Question for Android users: Why do people defend Google who sell your name, address, cell numbers, date of birth and other info for pure profit? Yet you defend the thief's running away with your identity.

spektical4270d ago

@evil_element you are delusional if you think apple isnt doing the same. You don't need an email, social network, etc to do this, a simple music provider, browser, and closed propietery abilities is all you need. Apple fits all of those very nicely.

Now I'm not defending google, but right now the enemy of my enemy is your friend, certainly applies. apple needs to be crushed, and google has a patent powerhouse in motorolla.

geth1gh4269d ago (Edited 4269d ago )


Yea apple is doing the same. It is also a lot easier to get around this with android, one of the main things being DON'T install the play store.Also get orbot (TOR for android).

This will turn your android cell phone into one of the most anonymous cellular devices around.

You can't blame a specific company for "spying" on you these days. Sadly it's the type of society we live in where it goes unquestioned and almost universally required. If you want true anonymity, you have to do it yourself.

I hate to say it but I think it's quite obvious how much more the US government will be in a police state in even 5 years.

evil_element4271d ago

Might want to brush up on your English.

SITH4271d ago

He is from the bahamas. The official language is English, so I would have to agree.

killerhog4271d ago

According to commenters the first dock was used in the Arthur operating system in 1987 before nextstep and apple.

SilentNegotiator4271d ago

"samsung isnt the onli company you should go after thier are some others that according to you copied you design"

But no one is as big of a threat to them as Samsung. That's why.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4269d ago
Darkspade4271d ago

Apple would go outta business if they didn't Sue everyone..

It's becoming a Joke. Google needs to sue over the Pull down Notification bar..

I'd Never buy an Apple Product again

geth1gh4271d ago

Look at comment above. Google IS suing apple now.

LOL_WUT4271d ago (Edited 4271d ago )

Well played Apple, well played ;)

This list shouldn't be a big issue for Apple.

Aussiegamer4271d ago

Either you are racers troll account, or racer finds you interesting, thats the only way you have 3 bubbles still.

NovusTerminus4271d ago

I gotta get my GS2 fast... Just to piss off Apple.

I like Samsung, and I hope Google shreds Apple over the notification bar!

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Bright Hub: Samsung Galaxy S 4G Review

A review of the new Samsung Galaxy S 4G from T-Mobile. A minor update to the original Samsung Vibrant. The review covers the design, display, software, hardware, user interface and features of the latest available Galaxy S smartphone from T-Mobile.

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Engadget: Samsung Galaxy S 4G review

Engadget: It's only been six months since Samsung launched its highly successful Galaxy S assault upon the US market with a series of carrier customized phones: the Vibrant and Captivate GSM twins for T-Mobile and AT&T, the WiMAX-rocking Epic 4G for Sprint and the Fascinate for Verizon. More derivatives arrived later, with the Mesmerize, Continuum, Nexus S, and LTE-equipped Galaxy Indulge.

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