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Flappy Bird Being Taken Down?

Yami from Twinfinite writes: "By its own developer, no less. Today, Dong Nguyen took to his Twitter to announce he’ll be taking down his hugely successful mobile game, Flappy Bird."

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Speed-Racer3738d ago

Confirmed taken down. This should be posted to N4G though, but w/e.

PeaSFor3738d ago (Edited 3738d ago )

he blatantly cloned a 4years old game Piou Piou vs. Cactus

then he run away with his bag of money.....Flappy Bird is the ultimate mobile game ripoff

Sy_Wolf3738d ago

It's a simple enough concept that he could have never heard of the other game and still made flappy bird.

SilentNegotiator3737d ago

And considering that there are dozens of similar games, older than Piou Piou, it might not be entirely fair to judge it as a clone (of Piou Piou specifically).

93d3738d ago

gaming content only on N4G

mydyingparadiselost3738d ago

Jeez, people get butt hurt over where these stories go....
OT- Me thinks someone is afraid of copyright claims.

windblowsagain3738d ago

Who flapping cares. They are all crap games.

But as in gaming,films, music. Most things incorporate other things already used, seen.

GentlemenRUs3738d ago

He's laughing all the way to the bank while users ponder to why they got heavily ripped off.

Can't wait to see some class-action suits.

Speed-Racer3738d ago

How could they get ripped off if they didn't pay for the app?

GentlemenRUs3738d ago

Ad revenue, Microtransactions all this jizt.

Speed-Racer3738d ago

There are no microtransactions in this app. Ad revenue is a somewhat fair bargain because

1) Users had the choice to NOT play it.
2) You're essentially paying them back for their time to product the app.

Obviously the 2nd point is debatable given that he may or may not have stolen the idea, but to say "ripped off", that would be a bit of an overstatement.

SilentNegotiator3737d ago

They made me view an ad before the game was taken down?


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Original Flappy Bird Drawing On eBay For a Whopping $1000

The Web Graffiti: "For those of us who do not know Flappy Bird, it is a side scrolling game made by Dong Nguyen from Vietnam and published by GEARS studio. As the name suggests, the game is about making a bird fly from the left side to right side unharmed as it attempts to fly between columns of green pipe- flapping though. The game was released in May 2013, its popularity saw a spike in early 2014."

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Company Claiming Rights To “Flappy” Trademark Now Sending Notices To App Store Game Developers

TechCrunch: This was bound to happen. A company calling itself “Ultimate Arcade” is attempting to trademark the word “Flappy,” following the fervor around the viral App Store game, “Flappy Bird,” whose disappearance led to the creation of hundreds of clones, parody apps, and other similarly-inspired titles. Of course someone would try to cash in on this craze, but Ultimate Arcade is now not just attempting to gain the trademark for itself – it’s actually going after developers who are using the word “Flappy” in their game’s name, and claiming trademark infringement.

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Soldierone3705d ago

This is where these laws get stupid, luckily these idiots don't have a case.

1 Anything published before the trademark takes place is fine. it states they published a game, but don't have the trademark yet. If anything the people that published their games first can take the trademark themselves as they can showcase dates as to when it was published. i'm sure "flappy" was used before 2006 too, so they'd lose both instances.

2 They can only trademark a game called "flappy" they can't go any further. A subtitle or added word to the title means its a different game. "Flappy Bird" is not "flappy" so it's fine.

3 People are allowed specific rights to parodies, which is what a majority of these are.

And I'm not sure about this one, but you can't trademark or copyright general things. Like you can't copyright the letter "A" and "Flappy" could be too general.

3705d ago Replies(2)
Tsuru3705d ago

Basicly Ultimate Arcade is going to be paying their lawyers and not getting anything back.

gizmig3704d ago

Don't think they will get any benefit for it as of now.

ajax173705d ago

So sick of this flappy crap


Flappy Bird in a Box becomes Kickstarter to help teach electronics

Geek: As part of the madness surrounding the Flappy Bird craze in recent weeks, one engineer created a version of the game that could never be removed from an app store. It was called Flappy Bird in a Box, and recreated the original game in physical form. Now the creator, Fawn Qiu, is taking her creation a step further and turning it into a learning aid through Kickstarter.