
Trolls Paid by a Telecom Lobbying Firm Keep Commenting on My Net Neutrality Articles

Vice - Have you ever read the comment section of a blog post or news article and thought, Damn, these trolls must be paid by someone?

ajax173562d ago

Wow, trolling on a corporate payroll!

The_Blue3562d ago

A lot more common gown you believe.

blackout3561d ago

Sounds perfect for a site like N4G.

SilentNegotiator3561d ago

Where do people even get jobs like that?


One year later, the repeal of net neutrality is already fing us over

It's been a year to the day since net neutrality was repealed, so what better time to see how it's affecting the average web user?

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Cobra9511763d ago

What? I'm sorry, but charging a rental fee for a modem the user outright owns has NOTHING to do with net neutrality. That is just simple fraud, or a mistake. Law enforcement and civil actions are not blocked by the corporate FCC takeover.

I'm all for net neutrality, and I think Ajit Pai should be tarred, feathered, and run out of town on a rail. But this is ridiculous clickbait.

jerethdagryphon1763d ago

Not quite they'll be renting. The ip address or the routing table or the authentication key or any number of items they could claim as renting.

Shikoku1763d ago

Anyone really surprised? I'm not

Concertoine1763d ago

I haven’t noticed any difference.

rdgneoz31763d ago

They've caught ISPs carriers slowing traffic or trying to start selling fast lanes. Might not be in your area, but it is happening.

One example: https://www.bloomberg.com/n...

andron1763d ago

Dang look at that bellend. He doesn't get the whole laugh at or with thing does he....

MWH1762d ago

Put down the gun mother f*****


Net neutrality is dead and buried as of today, June 11

As expected, net neutrality is officially gone, as of today, June 11. This is a fact that the FCC’s Ajit Pai says is a good thing. In a recent CNET op-ed, the chairman says he supports a free and open internet and you will too, in time.Of course, the FCC's Ajit Pai says it is a good thing.

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KingPin2157d ago

now the rich get richer, the poor get poorer. voices get silenced. smaller websites and apps will find it harder to grow as well.

yeah...looks like the ideal future of the internet.


Senate votes to save net neutrality rules

The Senate on Wednesday voted to reinstate the FCC's net neutrality rules, passing a bill that has little chance of advancing in the House but offers net neutrality supporters and Democrats a political rallying point for the midterm elections.

KingPin2184d ago

its dumb things like this that make encryption and pivate networks become a thing. and then the same people that forced us to use such methods are the ones saying encryption is bad.