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PaPa-Slam (4) - 4258d ago Cancel
SJIND (3) - 4258d ago Cancel
newsguy (1) - 4258d ago Cancel

Android Is Popular Because It’s Cheap, Not Because It’s Good

Gizmodo: The story goes like this: The iPhone comes out, and it's the only smartphone anyone wants, because there's never been anything like it. It is the smartphone. Step forward a few years, and Apple is losing to Google—at least in sheer numbers of phones being sold. What happened?

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Community4258d ago
newsguy4258d ago

let the flame wars begin!

4257d ago
Captain Tuttle4258d ago

Sounds like a bitter Apple fanboy. Isn't the Galaxy S3 the best selling smartphone in the world? Apple has simply failed to innovate

Unztayble4258d ago

and Apple is good because they're over-priced?

KingPin4258d ago

Apple is good because they're over-hyped.

caseh4258d ago


Thats the irony of it, Android devices are in general far cheaper yet iOS are still adding the funcionality and features Android has had for years and the best still isn't as good. :)

Speed-Racer4257d ago

If and when they introduce NFC....

"This revolutionary method of transferring data as the touch of your phone"

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Galaxy S25 to Integrate Advanced Google AI Features

Samsung's Galaxy S25 is set to elevate Google AI integration, extending to hardware depths.

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Community166d ago

15 Tips & Settings to Get the Most Out of Vision Pro

Vision Pro is here and it’s a surprisingly capable device. Apple has also loaded the headset with a ton of options and features that aren’t obvious at first glance.

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Why the Apple Ring could be the missing piece of Apple's ecosystem

Ringing the changes: All the news, rumors, and tips you missed last week.

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