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Michelle Obama Had No Idea What a Wii U Was (But It’s OK, Some Kid Told Her)

Kotaku: You'd think being the First Lady of the United States would mean you're on top of things, but not even the most powerful household on Earth is up to speed on everything.

5yN4MWQU4175d ago

No, you'd think the First Lady would be up to speed on things like, you know, social policy issues, education reform, and other, less irrelevant topics.

Speed-Racer4175d ago

I was thinking the same. Wondered why Kotaku is making such a big deal about this.

Soldierone4173d ago

She is annoying as hell as is. The reason she SHOULD know what it is, is because SHE supports the "go out and play" thing. Her annoying way of saying she supports Clinton in efforts to punish video game makers all the time.

All of the politicians that attack video games constantly never touched one and don't know what they are. All they know is the video game companies are not pocketing them money like Hollywood....

Yeah there are more important things to work on, but people voted for Obama not her, so why should she be touching anything?


Rhapsody's music-streaming service comes to the Wii U

Starting today, Rhapsody’s personalized music experience is available to Wii U owners via a free app from the Nintendo eShop. Rhapsody subscribers with Wii U systems can begin listening immediately and Wii U owners who aren’t yet Rhapsody or Napster subscribers can sign up for a 30-day free trial.

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Nintendo Wii U's TVii service to close in August

Techspot: Nintendo is shutting down TVii, its second-screen video service for the Wii U, less than three years after it began. The company said the feature would “transform how people find, watch and engage with TV shows, movies and sports”, but it gained few fans among console owners.

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Is the Era of Motion-Controlled Gaming Finally Over

TK: Examining the boom of motion-controlled devices a few years ago and its recent decline. Peripherals considered include Kinect, Wiimote and PS Move.

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saadd203378d ago

I never really bought into the whole motion-control fad. the Wii was cool and so was Kinect. Nothing ground breaking. Its been around since the days of the NES.