
Gaming PC Build for under $1000

TechNutz- I want to propose a hypothetical exercise that I think will be a lot of fun. Let’s say that today is your lucky day, I gave you $1000 to shop and buy the necessary hardware to build yourself a custom gaming PC. It doesn’t matter whether you are an AMD fan, Intel fan, or so on and so forth. How would you have spent your cash and what are your reasonings behind your selections?

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mushroomwig4015d ago

120GB just for a boot disk seems a little much for me, if you really feel the need for an SSD at all then save some more money and get something smaller like a 32GB one.

Are_The_MaDNess4015d ago (Edited 4015d ago )

well it all depends on how much RAM you have. and how fast you want things in Windows to load.
Windows Paging is the Key for Speed when actually using your desktop.
the minimum that the paging file should be at the around of RAM this build has is around 16GB i would prop have a 120GB SDD for Paging in it self XD

and dont get me started on Windows Hibernation mode with can rack up 100+ GB if you dont take care of it.
120GB should be where its needed TBH. all depends on the demand and such.

on a side note.......the hole Paging dillema is only needed if you have TONS of files like +10TB of Movies and such.......just makes life easier XD

ABizzel14015d ago

This PC would be a lot cheaper if you went to Newegg.

$1,000 for what is essentially a PS4 with a superior CPU and Windows OS is not worth it.

1. You won't need the i5 with a 660. An i3-3220 would do and save you almost $100
2. HD7850 GPU would be a good AMD choice, and save you $25
3. There's no need for a motherboard that expensive, ASRock H77 will do and save $50
4. SSD can be optional and save $100, but if you have the budget GET IT.
5. The rest is pretty much standard although you can shop around and save on them.

In the end that'll save you $175 (keeping the SSD) giving you a similar build at just over $800. Or you can spend that extra $175 on a CPU and GPU upgrade above the next consoles.

no_more_heroes4015d ago

I'm trying to put Corsair Vengeance 8GB (2x4GB) RAM in my HP 620 laptop but my laptop doesn't even start when I put it in.

1. Do I take the stickers off the memory modules?
2. Is it incompatible with my laptop?

MidnytRain4014d ago

Shouldn't you have checked for compatibility before opening up your laptop?

no_more_heroes4014d ago

I thought I did. I was under the impression that any SODIMM RAM could work.


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