
5 Reasons Not to Use Google for Search

Google is pretty much everywhere. It’s in your smartphone, car, and maybe even your watch— but there’s still nothing like searching Google on a desktop computer. To this day, about 64 percent of US web surfers use Google as their primary search engine.

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Settler2817d ago

Anyone out there want to give us reason why we must use Google Search???

Speed-Racer2816d ago

Because it's generally better than most in terms of query accuracy.

Devil-X2816d ago

Just remember that you're not signed into your google account while using the search engine and you will be good to go. Stay anonymous -_-

annoyedgamer2816d ago

Untill you realise they manipulate results.

kneon2816d ago

I've been using Bing for years and it's fine. And usually when you see a new feature on Google it was on Bing months before.

Settler2816d ago (Edited 2816d ago )

Hmm right :D I was expecting answer for this question from you :D

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2816d ago
wowhdtechnology2816d ago

i think Google show us better search result more then other search engine

SniperControl2816d ago

The last one makes me laugh, get paid to use bing, jesus, ms must be totally desperate to pay people to use bing and Edge. lol


Galaxy S25 to Integrate Advanced Google AI Features

Samsung's Galaxy S25 is set to elevate Google AI integration, extending to hardware depths.

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