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We can’t have real virtual reality without a sense of touch


Look, these are big, interesting problems in virtual reality. And I've talked a lot about the unnerving sense of presence that VR can evoke with video, audio, and motion control. But describing these advances as a step toward a "teleporter" is like saying that finishing the Second Avenue line is a step toward turning New York's subway into a Hyperloop. No matter how good headsets get, we're far from what I consider one of the linchpins of immersion: touch. And that's still a huge deal that we're not talking about nearly enough.

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The Best VR Deals (June 2023)

Looking for a great discount on your next virtual reality purchase? Here are the best VR deals for June 2023.

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The Best VR Deals (May 2023)

Looking for a great discount on your next virtual reality purchase? Here are the Best VR Deals for May 2023.

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Could Meta's Quest Gaming Showcase Steal Apple's WWDC Thunder?

Could Meta's Quest Gaming Showcase steal Apple's WWDC thunder? The showcase is expected to be Meta's 'biggest celebration' of Quest content.

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