
Big Bang Didn't Need God, Stephen Hawking Says

Space: Our universe didn't need any divine help to burst into being, famed cosmologist Stephen Hawking told a packed house here at the California Institute of Technology

ChrisW4061d ago (Edited 4061d ago )

One can only explain or theorize upon a subject so much before they come to an impasse and are no longer able to scientifically elaborate on any given subject... So, here's the question: What is responsible for the happening of what the greatest-minds cannot comprehend? With all of this in mind, Hawking is guilelessly presenting himself as a simple-minded atheist, which discredits him greatly. It is almost as bad as one trying to prove creationism by way of the infallible (yet, written by man) Bible.


Physicist Stephen Hawking dies at age 76

World renowned physicist Professor Stephen Hawking has passed away at the age of 76.

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Speed-Racer2270d ago

This is a great loss for the community

bumsick2270d ago

today, the world got a bit dumber. R.I.P

Parasyte2270d ago

Though his body is gone, his brilliance is immortal.

RIP Professor Hawking

adonisisfree2270d ago

Omg! My heart Goes out to his family.. Stephan Hawkins was one of my Idols growing up. Some people just deserve to live forever. Now he can live in infamy. We will all miss you Mr. Hawking

kevinsheeks2270d ago

I agree so much I feel like some of our most talented leave way to early . .

Minute Man 7212270d ago

My son and I were talking about him last night, woke up this morning to hear this news

nemrawy2270d ago

Can you guys please talk about Donald Trump next time ..... ?

SpringHeeledJack2270d ago

No please talk about Hilary Clinton next time.

dcbronco2270d ago

Why not talk about both.

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Hawking's Institute is using a supercomputer to uncover the nature of space and time

The project, officially named "Beyond the Horizon – Tribute to Stephen Hawking," will create a 3D map of the universe with help from a supercomputer.

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Stephen Hawking: Humans must leave Earth within 600 years

Between climate change, sea level rise, and overcrowding, Hawking believes humans will need to leave to survive.

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Cobra9512396d ago (Edited 2396d ago )

Or, you know, make fewer copies of ourselves, use resources more efficiently, pollute less and scrub away the filth we spew. That'd be, like, 20 orders of magnitude easier than moving to another planet.

2394d ago