
How to get your money back from an internet scam

Gadget Mill: It might be the case of a false alarm and you might have not actually got scammed. Don’t jump straight to conclusions but then again don’t avoid the obvious. There might be a reason why you haven’t received your item yet, such as the item being lost in the post (these things do happen), seller being unwell or just pure laziness.

You can find out if you were scammed by contacting the seller directly asking for an update on the transaction. If you get no reply you can look at the seller’s previous feedback to confirm the previous transactions were legit or not and just trying to contact the seller in various other ways. It would be good to have a contact number for the seller at this point. If you used eBay you are able to get the sellers contact number by requesting it on the eBay website!

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bub164226d ago

haha good for you! trying to be a scammer and leaving personal details everywhere. obviously a noobie lol

deadman1214226d ago

Yeah very noobish, which was one of the reasons I was doubting whether it was a scam or not in the first place!


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