
China Unveils Gene Technology to Create Superhumans With Hyper-Muscular Test-Tube Dogs

Armies of super-soldiers were a step closer to reality today after China announced it was genetically engineering hyper-muscular super-dogs.

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annoyedgamer2474d ago (Edited 2474d ago )

I think I read on the sidebar of a tabloid once, right next to "mortgage companies hate this".

ajax172474d ago

gene editing isn't science fiction

dcbronco2474d ago

That is how each generation falls a little further behind. Dismissing the potential of the future. We're in the middle of another shift in age and this time the massive lower class will be left on the outside looking in. They won't be able to sell themselves to the highest bidder because robots and AI will make them useless. Unless we wake up and make changes the plot of every post-apocalyptic movie ever will slowly come true. Good luck with that.

2474d ago

Galaxy S25 to Integrate Advanced Google AI Features

Samsung's Galaxy S25 is set to elevate Google AI integration, extending to hardware depths.

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4d ago

James Webb Space Telescope finds 'extremely red' supermassive black hole growing

The supermassive black hole is 40 million times as massive as the sun and powers a quasar that existed 700 million years after the Big Bang.


NASA radar images show stadium-sized asteroid tumbling by Earth during flyby

The asteroid zoomed by Earth at a perfectly safe distance of around 1.8 million miles (2.9 kilometers).