
The 40 Startups Marissa Mayer Has Acquired (And Killed) At Yahoo

Yahoo confirmed the acquisition of Flurry last month, making it the company’s 41st acquisition since Marissa Mayer become CEO of Yahoo two year ago.

Marissa Mayer’s Yahoo has undergone tremendous changes and just when we thought the company was trying to streamline its path by shutting down 12 services in September 2013, it has added 41 start-ups to its collections.

proudly_X3702d ago

I remember that epic article on BusinessInsder "Marissa Mayer: Destroyer Of Startups." It was an eye opener.

ajax173702d ago

40 and the only one I've heard of is tumblr.

SilentNegotiator3702d ago

Sounds like a complete waste of money.

Soldierone3702d ago

This is why I find it dumb when Yahoo takes over anything. Almost every week they are shutting down a perfectly fine service, then turn around and buy more..... why?

RedSky3701d ago

Usually they're just buying the company to acquire the staff. But yes, sometimes they shut down good services. Then again good services aren't necessarily profitable services from their point of view.

Cryptcuzz3702d ago

Way too much power for one CEO on a spending spree. She's very attractive as well.


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Speed-Racer2329d ago

I thought we were progressing away from this crap?

SunnyZ2329d ago (Edited 2329d ago )

Only stupid people buy phones on plans anyway, so this is right up their alley.
Buy CLEAN phone crapware-free for $500 now, or pay $3,000 for crapware-filled phone over 2 years...
Hmm hard decisions...

CurbStompin2329d ago ShowReplies(1)
ajax172329d ago

My next phone is definitely going to be a Sony.