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Prostate cancer may be sexually transmitted

Prostate cancer could be a sexually transmitted disease caused by a common infection passed on during intercourse, scientists are claiming. Research by the University of California found a sex infection called trichomoniasis supported cancer growth when a team of scientists tested human prostate cells in a laboratory.

Trichomoniasis is the most common non-viral sexually transmitted infection and is understood to have infected an estimated 275 million people around the world.

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Porcelain_Chicken3633d ago

First the sun and now sex!!?! Who can we trust!?! Dx

TechImperia3632d ago

Nothing can be trust ... god know tomorrow there can be news that xyz cancer can happen because of thinking or fantasizing only

LackTrue4K3632d ago

Now even the only place where the sun don't shine can give us cancer?!


TechImperia3632d ago

Not sure what you are trying to say but what I wrote was just a joke ofcourse.

LackTrue4K3631d ago

@ Techlmperia, its an old saying... its like,

"you can stick your idea's, where the sun don't shine"

its saying just "stick it in your a55.

barfly993633d ago

Putting this on a video game site is like putting a painted fire exit sign at a school for the blind.

Speed-Racer3633d ago

This isn't a video gaming website.

adorie3632d ago

Looks like you took a wrong turn @ Albuquerque.

Welcome to TechSpy.

Speed-Racer3632d ago

Please help yourself to a free fruit basket at the entrance.

TechImperia3632d ago

Take two please, I forget to pick mine on my way inside.

Spontogical3632d ago

lel barfly. Newsboiler just curates content from all their content networks. :p

this is Tech Spy, not N4G :p

Speed-Racer3632d ago

It's beyond me why you're still getting disagrees LOL

YoungKingDoran3632d ago

The disagrees are from everyone else from N4G who stumbled here. Disagreeing with facts, or friendly information... It's what we do lol

Devil-X3632d ago ShowReplies(1)
ITPython3632d ago (Edited 3632d ago )

What about the teachers and staff who aren't blind? If they can't find the way out, then everybody dies.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3632d ago
1Victor3632d ago

So instead of educating the new person that stumble into this article and welcome him you attack him and call him useless names remember N4G is older than this site and you should show respect to your elders kid , It's a shame and I apologize for it although I also stumble here attracted to this article headline. Now for the article it appears that they're not 100% sured on this one and it's only on the early stages of finding out.

Speed-Racer3632d ago

Can you point me to the comments which offend? I hid the one comment which I thought was silly (the xbox/ps4 troll comment).

Jonnyquest3213632d ago (Edited 3632d ago )

Seems like some people like to get changry over nothing

TechImperia3632d ago

I don't know what is really happening over here, but we need to stick to the topic here and lets not deviate from it but exactly the opposite is happening right now i see. please stop this guys. for those who don't know here at techspy, stories related to science are accepted along with the obvious tech related stories.


EVs Explained: What is a kilowatt-hour, and while we're on the subject, what is a kilowatt?

When talking about EVs, kWh and kW are often mentioned without context, but neither is as complicated as you might think.

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Dark Energy Is Getting Stronger By The Day

If the recent results from a new method of study of the expanding universe is true, then dark energy may well be getting stronger.

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ShockUltraslash1879d ago

Oh no!
The power of Darkness gets stronger and stronger.
We need to gather the heroes of light to fight against this evil.

BioDead1878d ago

Finn and Jake should take the job!!


What If The Earth Was Flat?

Science is mysterious. People ask questions and with the tools at their disposal, scientists address a hypothesis. Geodesy is the Earth science of accurately measuring and understanding the Earth’s geometric shape, orientation in space and gravitational field. Years of research in the field of geodesy has told us that a sphere is a close approximation of …

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level 3601880d ago

These Flat Earth believers' are really funny sickos.

Cobra9511880d ago

As a group, they're the perfect illustration of an echo chamber. Think of them as a control group, where the concepts espoused are clearly wrong, but they believe they're getting valid science (like drug control groups believe they are getting meds instead of placebos). Good studies of people's impressionability as members of a greater whole can be accomplished here.

blacktiger1879d ago (Edited 1879d ago )

It's funny how you judge others, regardless where's the proof of them being sickos?

kneon1879d ago

Anyone who truly thinks the earth is flat is mentally deficient.

1879d ago
KingPin1878d ago

1999: in 2019 AI would probably run the world we wont have to do anything.

2019: we're trying to convince people the world is round.

BioDead1878d ago

If earth is flat then most of the physics shouldn't work as they are working now. I saw a documentary on Netflix of this believe and I didn't get a single valid or scientific explanation from the believers how the flat earth works, why other planets are globes and earth is just flat, how the physics works with it, and so on. Seemingly flat earth is now in fashion, but it'll soon wears out. Hopefully.

Cobra9511878d ago

Just imagine the number of people who would have to be in on the round "hoax" over the centuries for it to succeed. A few examples: Anyone who flies an airplane, or in one, around the world. Most international ship captains and crews. Meteorologists. Astronomers. Anyone professionally involved with satellites.

Kostche1876d ago

the world is flat, belive what you want, nasa the biggest hoaxers to the human race, and its funny watching them mug the human race off, enyoy the space travel... LUL