
Hotmail brand name officially dead. Say hello to Outlook.com

Vyralize: It’s official, the Hotmail name is no more. Welcome to Outlook.com

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Kalowest4157d ago

It's MS so ppl are automatically are going to hate it.

Gondee4158d ago

I always felt Hotmail was kinda gimmicky and 90's feeling. Outlook is much more recognizable and corresponds with Microsofts premier email client. Good move MS

ChrisW4158d ago

I've had my Hotmail account since 1995, so I never thought of it feeling as such.

Gondee4157d ago

Im talking about the name, having @hotmail at the end of your email looks unprofessional to me. Like some internet craze name from the 90's, which it is lol

aviator1894158d ago

I really dig the look of outlook.

Ogygian4157d ago ShowReplies(1)
r214157d ago

Well, this sucks. I like 'hotmail', made my email's title feel bit fancy.

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Outlook and Hotmail flooded by spam

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sonicwrecks3033d ago (Edited 3033d ago )

Based on my inbox this morning I have won a contest at every supermarket in the UK. Still at least that explains it...


Windows Live Mail 2012 Will Not Work With the New Outlook.com

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