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Why Alien Life Hunt Should Focus on Impact Craters


Asteroid and comet impacts can trigger widespread havoc, killing off life on a global scale. Now, one new study reveals that the molten wreckage of these explosions can entomb the remains of life that once dwelt in the blast zones and preserve them for millions of years, while another study hints that these impacts could even create novel habitats where life can flourish.

Crazay3596d ago

Makes sense to me the reasoning behind this. I just hope they find definitive proof in my lifetime.

Crazay3596d ago (Edited 3596d ago )

In all that space, how can there be nothing you know? I refuse to think that we're the one and only planet lucky enough to evolve.

Speed-Racer3596d ago (Edited 3596d ago )

Quite possible! Same here. Might not be like us but I'm sure there's something


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