
Pokki Brings Windows 7 Like Start Menu, Instagram And Angry Birds To Windows 8

WML Cloud - Pokki is an innovative app which provides a Windows 7 like start menu in Windows 8 and also offers apps for famous services like Instagram, Angry Birds, Facebook and the like.

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SilentNegotiator4152d ago

You know what else has a Windows 7 like start menu?

Windows 7.

blogger874152d ago

Unfortunately, Windows 8 does not have a classic start menu (let alone a Windows 7 style start menu).

Software_Lover4152d ago

Can "tech Savvy" people really not work without a start menu?

blogger874152d ago

How many people are Tech Savvy? Being a former system and network administrator I have learned that many people lack even basic computer knowledge to an appalling level.

Software_Lover4152d ago

I meant mainly the people that visit this site, people who actually care about and work with tech. Trust me, I own a repair and custom build shop. I made the mistake of doing it at home before I got the shop. Things that we think are simple and should be common knowledge, other people have no clue about. NO F'N CLUE, LOL.

SilentNegotiator4152d ago

People really need to stop insinuating that disliking 8 is an issue of difficulty.

Windows 8's interface is less convenient for the type of people that use it for more than updating Facebook. It's THAT simple.

FordGTGuy4151d ago

Except for that fact that Windows 8 has the same desktop as Windows 7 and is faster and has more features than Windows 7.

Built-in virtual drive support being a major new feature(just double click a .iso and it's auto mounted), the new search feature also blows Windows 7 out of the water.


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