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NZBMatrix Shuts Down Citing Piracy Troubles

TorrentFreak - "NZBMatrix, one of the leading Usenet indexing services, has shut down voluntarily. The website’s owners explain that it has become increasingly difficult to operate in a business where copyright holders vigorously protect their content. A large takedown notice from Hollywood’s movie studios as well as issues with payment providers are cited as reasons for NZBMatrix to throw the towel."

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Syko4168d ago

Gutted...UseNet getting a lot of heat lately.


calis4168d ago


I need an alternative. Any ideas?

Syko4168d ago

Mostly all Index sites have closed their registrations due to the massive amount of users looking to relocate. Even invite only sites have suspended ALL invites until it cools a bit. Depending on your needs I would recommend a Sickbeard/CouchPotato/SABnzbd setup, since the Sickbeard index is still up and snatching it's a good backup and just use for fill in random items until this blows over.

After it blows over look for an invite from: DogNZB or

calis4168d ago (Edited 4168d ago )

I managed to register with, I'll see how they go.

But I'll try the sickbeard suggestion. Thanks.

I only really need it for TV shows.

SilentNegotiator4168d ago (Edited 4168d ago )

Hollywood needs to take a chill pill on piracy. Piracy was around a long time before the internet, won't go away because you shut down one or two sites, and they're still making billions.

For personal reasons (not moral), I would like to see better self-regulated share sites, however. Less viruses and less piracy would be nice.

solid_warlord4167d ago

NZB Matrix and NZBrus are down for there any other descet alternatives