
A Recyclable, Paper USB Drive

Tech News Daily: USB drives can take on all kinds of shapes, limited only by the size of the port. Intellipaper plans to roll out one with a memory chip embedded in a sheet of paper. That not only makes it about as small as possible, but also foldable and thin as a sheet of card stock.

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fatstarr4179d ago

wow I wouldnt mind these for the future, especially if it were cheap like the article claims.

1$ per 100mbs aint too shabby. I see integration into business cards as a real booming market for this.

MelonSaurus4179d ago

I'm sorry, you think $1 per 100 megabytes is cheap? That's $10 per gigabyte, and I can get a 16 gig flash drive for 30 bucks.

mn214179d ago

i doubt you'd want large files on a piece of paper that can be easily deteriorated. these devices are short term only. with the 66Mb limit, you're better off just using cloud to send files

terrorofdeath4179d ago

I can see advertising going big with these little things. Distribute media to people via these, or find some system that can be transferred to phones. Imagine being able to 'fold' the usb into a micro-usb port and it will still work.