
CRank: 5Score: 17180

it keeps saying that they said to use a different program, but no where in her comments did she say that at all. if anything she simply said it compliments the other programs for protection, aka what MS said before about "cross positives" or messing with other programs. She even said "so they can be as good as us."

I like their program because its not a resource hog like pretty much every other one out there.

3892d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

The thing is, this shutdown isn't a shutdown. Its a "We are going to take away everything from the people to make you look bad" tactic. The idiots that "shutdown" everything still get paid through all of this. The people that need that money? Tough luck till the baboons are done humping each other in the white house.

3896d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

So I take it I will be paid for my endorsement since you are using my image, my words, my review, right? No? Then eff off!

3897d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Honestly thinking about leaving now. Normally I don't care about policy changes, but this was a good roadblock. I have psychotic family members that I don't need watching my every move, and a lot of them were too stupid to figure out how to get around me being hidden. This just opens the door for them.

I see absolutely no purpose to it at all.

So basically at this point I told FB to hide everything, and absolutely none of it is hidden. I have people ...

3897d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Our government is not the brightest group of people by any means.

3905d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yes, pirated versions have many benefits. Instead of dealing with the "digital" version in blu-rays, I just get the pirated download. so I actually bought the movie before downloading it, I'm just bypassing all the stupid restrictions they put on my LEGIT copy. I remember not being able to transfer a LEGIT copy to my Zune or PSP, and when I was able to, it was a hassle.

With music, I don't download it, I just listen to it on Youtube, if its good I buy it. I...

3905d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Honestly, do they need to go any further than showing the profits these industries made? Look at Hollywood "wah, pirates are cutting into our 35 billion dollar profits!!! All these crap movies we made wont sell because of them! wah!"

The thing is, politicians won't listen since Hollywood has 35 billion dollars and will pocket a few million to help get the nimrods re-elected.....

3905d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

It'd be interesting to see this, that way you don't leave your phone on a charger too long. Done right, it could preserve battery life. Done wrong, people would just destroy batteries faster.

3907d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Lets just face facts here. The media and these scientists studying this stuff are complete jokes. One day something is healthy as heck for you, the next day its killing people.....

There really is no sense in listening to them at all. If you did, you'd basically only be allowed to breath oxygen, but need to hold your breath for 50 minutes an hour..... I even saw an article the other week about how water is bad for you to drink, yet every single exercise diet says drink l...

3908d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Why? What purpose does this provide? My phone already goes off ever 10 minutes a cloud hits the sky.....

3910d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I use Firefox as well, but applaud them with this. Java is annoying as hell, never functions, and should be considered a virus.....

3914d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This isn't bad. At first I thought "they better not block adblock" but thats different. This is them simply being a man and moving forward. So sick of Flash updates and Java issues, glad they are being blocked.

Like Google stated, these are companies holding things back because they can't move forward.

3914d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

My phone broke, so I just got an HTC One. A Nokia Android phone actually sounds interesting. They have decent phones, Windows is just lame on them. If MS bought Nokia to make money, they will let them.

3919d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

As a Verizon customer, this is where Verizon falls on its face. They hardly ever offer new products and they are a pain to get anything not purchased from them to work.

Honestly go talk to a Verizon rep about buying a phone from a "third party" they will lie to you in every possible way. I asked Bestbuy if it were true and they laughed and went "no, we don't even have contracts to sign or any of that. We just don't have to pay commission like them.&quo...

3920d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

So its okay to spy on citizens, but to help them out? Thats a big no no.....

3922d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'd love these. Thinking about it, tablets are inferior to me anyways. The "best tablet" still sucks compared to my laptop. I just want a tablet for internet and minor things, so less than 100 bucks would be a day one buy for me.

3922d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Geez, I almost just spent 200 dollars to buy this phone.... lol If its 50, ill have it by tomorrow!

3923d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Lack of apps is a HUGE reason to it. MS can say "oh its coming" as much as they want. I still remember Zune and MS saying "oh more coming" the entire life of that thing. MS sucks at working with others to bring things to their gadgets. It doesn't help that the stuff they need is coming from their rival.

Why downgrade to a device when these two have established something big? That and the appeal of Windows Phone is so low. They don't have any inter...

3923d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

And yet, these companies will probably deny any deal Netflix brings to them, then turn around and cry about pirating ruining their business. Netflix has offered millions to some of these studios, and the studios still said no. they rather Netflix cost 20-30 dollars a month, and be full of DRM galore. Gee wonder why people pirate?

Honestly your show is being pirated galore, Netflix steps in and says "hey let us stream it, here's money" whats the problem?

3924d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I agree with quality over quantity. It's annoying hearing Netflix say "we have added thousands of titles" you go on there and 500 of them are dumb documentaries that are not even worth watching.

I rather them spend a few bucks to get something I actually want, over adding a bunch of crap i couldn't care less about. Dont get me wrong I've found a few shows or movies I wouldn't have otherwise watched, but Ive also attempted to find something new only ...

3924d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment