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Man Sells For $200,000

Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen donated $100m to facilitate research on Ebola remedies, a feat that made him the single biggest donor to the Ebola outbreak.

Meanwhile, someone else has managed to make money out of the crises.

JamshiJack3483d ago

aha so whenever there is a crisis like this, we should register its name as a domain ;)

SilentNegotiator3482d ago

I doubt the IP still had that new smell to it in 2014...ebola isn't new.

Software_Lover3482d ago

Damn, I missed my chance to pay my house off. I have got to be smarter next time. Should have bought some apple stock in 99 lol.

mushroomwig3482d ago

Hindsight is a wonderful thing. Right now there are companies selling stocks dirt cheap that'll go on to make billions, it's just impossible to tell which ones!

thorstein3482d ago

It's so hard to find out what idiots will buy into before they start buying into it.

Soldierone3482d ago

If I'm not mistaken he actually originally wanted 400k, plus he is a person that does this for a living. He buys domains just to hold and sell later.

Thus he also got etc...

plmkoh3482d ago

Before you guys talk about 'would've' 'should've' 'could've'. He paid ~$13.5k for in 2008.

No one would do that.

thorstein3481d ago

The return on his investment is almost 150%.


White House Plans To Deploy Robots To Fight Ebola

In August 2, Ebola made its first visit on the American soil when Dr. Kent Brantly landed in the United State, at Dobbins Air Reserve Base around

proudly_X3470d ago

I really love this idea, I have always thought about it and I'm wondering why it took them so long to think about it.

Again, it was simply because Africa alone, had the Ebola crisis..

ironfist923469d ago

Ebola only becomes an issue when it effects first world countries unfortunately :/

Otherwise no one would care

Spiewie 3470d ago

Pretty cool cancels out the spread of the disease to healthcare workers.

wannabe gamer3469d ago

and puts it on the people that have to maintain and repair these robots

wannabe gamer3469d ago

Great now the only people getting ebola will be the techs that have to work on all these infested robots slathered in disease

cell9893469d ago

Well they can always cleanse them first in the purified waters of Lake Minetonka

turab3469d ago

Resident evil 2 all over again. Drop those nemesis robots.


Scientists Consider Repurposing Robots for Ebola

Robotics scientists nationwide are pondering an intriguing possibility: Might robotic technologies deployed in rescue and disaster situations be quickly repurposed to help contain the Ebola epidemic?


3 very important ways technology is being employed to fight Ebola

Technology's roles in fighting the Ebola epidemic is more profound that one may imagine. Of course, there is a dark side to its effectiveness too.

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