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Completely pointless. 120-144hz is freaking high enough as is, what would be the point for a GAMING MONITOR to have 4x MORE HZ?!

2454d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

The beginning of 1984 starts with shit like this.

2474d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

How f*cking stupid.

1) THEY USED A DEAGLE and thought a book would stop it. a .50 calibre pistol, one of the strongest pistols.
2) They gave a gun to a woman
3) Dude died.

2501d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The more you learn of Islam, Sharia Law and their idea of their prophet who is a pedophile among many other things - Trust me when I say, "Those with minimal Islam strangely get less terrorism than those countries that have lots of Islam."

France and Sweden have lots of Islam due to the migrants and refugees they accepted, they also coincidentally have the most terror attacks, almost Daily these days. Poland, Japan? They have minimal to Zero terrorism, because the...

2521d ago 9 agree5 disagreeView comment

I doubt their economy would permit it for long, I'd believe this is likely a spin on the Paris Agreement Act, wherein, this may be a reality that Liberals and Globalists want people to think - but it will never happen, that these news stories are made to fuel an Anti-Trump narrative of "Oh hey look, India will become so technologically superior and green compared to America! Thanks Trump!" - but those people of course didn't even read the Paris Agreement.


2527d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Modern-era Liberals are trying their hardest to show that they can be worse than Socialists. Being that Liberals depend entirely on compulsive lying, victim complexes, emotional pleas, playing ignorant, slush funds, corruption, Political Correctness and Social Justice Warriors? It cannot be permitted to be allowed to live as a political system. 'Classical Liberals' are such a rarity, aka, regular folks with common sense and desires who have yet to be brainwashed - they are hard to fin...

2527d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

Liberal insanity in a nutshell. They claimed Trump deleting the covfefe tweet was evidence that he should be impeached. They claimed Trump blocking some users makes him a crybaby, yet the hilarious thing being is this kind of reaction, and the fact that the many Verified Liberals on twitter have on lives, no morals, they spend every waking minute waiting for Trump on twitter to SAY or react to something, so they can respond with a trashy, condescending, obnoxious tweet within 10 seconds after...

2527d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment


2539d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

The Peter Molyneux of the tech industry, eh? Until customers can buy, show proof of purchase and apply this concept on their PHYSICAL ROOFS - then it's a pipedream, a dream, a reality that may not ever happen - because then big corporations will go "Where does that leave us, who preys on customers who're ignorant and poor, where roofs aren't meant to last for a purpose of making it so they must buy from us again and again?"

2552d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

But what brand of headphones?... I'd giggle if it somehow were Samsung, since of the prior phone incidents.

2607d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'd not be able to help myself and talk like Bane from Batman.

"Ahh hello Batman~ I was MOOOLLDED by the darkness..."

Other than that, a really stupid-looking device that probably won't go anywhere. I understand the concept, but am sure more people rather walk around looking like they're talking to themselves and looking like idiots than to use this thing, and that speaks volumes.

2612d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Is giving me a bad taste in my mouth, that I can say.

1) It self-installed against my will, was very close to just throwing a lawsuit at them, seeing as a woman had done the same and won.
2) It changed my systems' fucking password on me without informing me, so that one day when I turned on my PC? It was instead my Email/Outlook password - which just so happens to be a Hex Password that is 20-30'ish randomized letters/symbols/numbers as if I could fucking r...

2612d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

$10 they'll remove it again after they get 'enough anonymous complaints'.

2620d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Once upon a time, AMD were fierce competitors who were able to excel in CPU's - Not many millennials who adore Nvidia for the most part, will know of this history.

2629d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yet terrorist videos remain up for far longer than Meme pages or Pro-Trump pages, which get shut down instantly. Abuse/Terrorist/Beheadings remain on Facebook for so long. lmao

2634d ago 7 agree1 disagreeView comment

He's an inflated hack.

His glory days are over and he's simply a relic of his former fame and glory. I respect what he did for the industry, but he's done Nothing great for the past, what, 10 years? He can't ride his old fame til he dies, we have to be harsher, imo.

2651d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Well, statistics do show that gamers have a much higher than average reaction time, hand-eye coordination, motor functions and ability to comprehend and react faster with things (like that FPS to Visual stimuli article that came up not long ago). So, we could claim otherwise with this. If you train a regular non-gamer with a gun, and you train a gamer at the same pace of the non-gamer with the gun? I'd want to see the combat statistics of accuracy/reload times.

While a ...

2662d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Why does me saying that it's run by Liberal cucks and Feminists trigger you so much? You didn't even attempt to disprove my point, you simply chose to be offended and chose to insult me because your feelings apparently got hurt. Do grow up, you silly little child <3

Then you bring up Autism - for whatever reason? Not like anyone sees Liberals as Tolerant anyways, but thanks for showing your Real self to everyone :) Intolerant, sensitive, emotionally insecure. <...

2674d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I've said it for the past 10 years and I'll continue saying it - Fuck Apple.

Glad after 10+ years, more people are finally joining my side of things :p

2674d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

No one really wants Twitter to be saved, being that it's run by Liberal cucks and Feminists like 'Feminist Frequency' Anita Sarkeesian and stupid shit like that - and that 'Jack'* the creator himself has been caught numerous times, parading 'the rules of Twitter' but never punishing Minorities, Women, Blacks, BLM, etc.

It's just too politically incorrect, too hypocritical, too far in the swamp.

2678d ago 4 agree5 disagreeView comment