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CRank: 12Score: 69970

That's all kinds of encouraging news. I just had a needle in my hand a few weeks ago for a cortozone injection and it hurt like a bastard.

The reduction in potential for blood born disease is a huge plus.

4289d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I see subscription services becoming more the norm going forward. Adobe is doing it and from my understanding it's doing very well and helping small upstart companies get off the ground for a low monthly fee as opposed to a a larger out lay of cash.

My Sister in law for example was recently laid off so she decided to start her own graphic design business. Adobe is very expensive to buy out right so she got herself the subscription and has access to ALL the applications in...

4289d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Uhmm....actually RIM did a touch screen phone before the iPhone, admittedly it was poorly executed but hey at least they tried something new when it was still a fairly new concept. I still much prefer the keyboard on BB but, they got arrogant and look where they are now. I smell the same thing happening to Apple now.

Oh and BTW - It's been HELLA-COOL to hate them since the Apple II. Just saying.

I'm no sheep either. Never liked anything about Apple p...

4295d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

How about they add things that do stuff?

I dunno. Get creative. Is that not what they did with the iphone/pad in the first place? Take the technologies and get a little more creative with their execution?

Make people care about what's going in there. Add a projector, add a holographic keyboard(they exist and they mostly work)...I don't know. For a company that's touted as a great innovator, their last 3 iterations of the "greatest thing since...

4295d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

I don't disagree with your stance on the Lumia. I think it looks like it could help Nokia become a major player again. The specs sound great and it looks like a sweet ass phone. Before my Nexus, the best phones I had ever owned were Nokia. They could take one hell of a beating without so much as a hiccup. I would most definitely take a look at the phone if I were in the market for a new piece of hardware.

A friend of mine who works for MS has used the new Lumia and fell i...

4295d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

@Evil Element.

Don't tempt me, you alone would provide me with all kinds of job security.

4295d ago 8 agree2 disagreeView comment

HAHAHA - Nicely played Adorie.

Seriously though, This phone is nothing more than a slightly augmented iPhone 4. Siri has a mildly expanded vocabulary that integrates with some sites directly, Panoramic photos, LTE and a moderately larger screen. Still, somehow this piece of fluffware is going to sell like hotcakes. I don't get all the love.

4295d ago 5 agree2 disagreeView comment

@evil element...but you "buy" crappy spell/grammar check

4295d ago 10 agree2 disagreeView comment

YOu can have 1 WHOLE EXTRA row of apps, a thinner camera and this really cool new connector called...wait for it.."Lightning". PC terms..USB3.

Now they're talking about watching a movie on itunes and stopping it only to pick up where you left off on another device...Well MS announced that with the new Xbox features coming later this year. Yet another innovation that we can all thank Apple for.

The innovation is so incredible I can barel...

4295d ago 18 agree3 disagreeView comment

This is what I've been saying for the longest freaking time. Still the loyalists will refuse to admit it's validity.

Mezzo and I will no doubt get "Butt hurt" comments and other garbage but if you actually sit back and think about it, the proof is in the pudding.

**Edit** screw that - I'm taking the wind from their sails. You're just all butt hurt Mezzo. APPLE RULEZ! =P

4295d ago 16 agree1 disagreeView comment

I still haven't been able to wrap my head around why he allowed it to go public in the first place. Before he ran the company and did what he wanted and now he'll have a board to answer to.

4295d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

If they find nipples to be so offensive, they should take it up with their maker..Wow, we sure would look weird without them.

4295d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Nuff said...moving along to post about how Dora the Explorers Backpack could become a reality. =P

4296d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Fellow Canadian I presume? Ya we get bent over with everything here. Cell, Net, Sat/Cable, Gas, Groceries... $100 per month in the city would get me a 50MB connection and I'd actually get those speeds.

My provider is called Xplornet and they practically have a monopoly in Canada for rural customers and the gov has pretty well handed it to them on a golden platter. They bough tmy provider who offered a 3MB connection with 160GB of data for $80. When they took over, they fo...

4297d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I love it...There used to be something called the Rabbit back in the day that would do the same thing. No mention of price though. This is something I would absolutely use and buy for the right $$$ and cut down on the cost of additional Satellite boxes. We rarely ever watch 2 TVs at the same time but pay for the boxes because moving the receivers around is a PITA.

4297d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Ya...Well We're not doing much better here in Canada if you're in a rural area. I have a 10MB line of site (Shared throughput)wireless connection and between the hours of 4pm and 1am, it's absolute crap and I can't even use Netflix. Might I add that for this stellar service I get only 100GB of Data and I pay the paltry amount of $110 per month? Yeaaaa....I rule.


4297d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

MY old man is in the market for another Caddy. I should send this along to him =P

I actually like the look of that ride. They made it a little sportier while maintaining the distinct front end of other Caddies.

4297d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

It even had a TV tuner attachment for $150

4301d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I've always been impressed with that the papers say about HTC but have been unimpressed with their execution. I'm not the only one to have said that either.

4301d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

My buddy who is a M$ employee has used this phone and says it's amazing. It sounds great, it looks great...I'm still not buying one though.

4301d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment