People love to scare monger.
Of course if I take a photo of something I own and stick it on facebook, then I can.
If I was trying to sell the said picture, then it would be a different story... but there is nothing new with that.
Really don't know whether to laugh or cry.
And then they wonder why we want to use ad blockers.
...and that's assuming this it doesn't crash your browser.
Whatever we "waste" on NASA.
I'll try to remember that the next time I pull my GPS out.
I'm putting my money on a brown dwarf star.
I think that's what you said to her.
I still remember the early days when people would go into computer stores with a floppy disk asking to have the internet loaded onto it.... or does that still happen?
Facebook thinks it knows me... but who's going to check if it does.
I'm sure if Aliens were trying to contact us, they would be trying the most simple method possible.
If your sending a message to someone, would you make it so complicated that the person your sending too would have no chance of figuring it out?
If anything, the people who are well off will just reduce the amount of jobs so they don't have to pay as much and then add to their own piles of cash which most people will be left without jobs or a means to make a living.
Basically how it works now, but accelerated.
Hopefully we'll be able to interface with computers and make our selves more intelligent by then.
No, that happened a long time ago in a galaxy far far away.
Hopefully once the software has been perfected, it'll go into such security systems which might make them cheaper or more useful.
I think the purpose of this is to develop the software cheaply rather than find a new use for old smart phones.
If I had kids they wouldn't be playing on the playstation.
I'm on there, the kids can go outside!
Getting the same thing when clicking on links from Techspy.
Site might be black listed on chrome or something.
Looks like "Google safe browsing" has detected spyware on techspy.
People are going to love you when your walking down the street blasting the rain water at them.
"if they did ever succeed , then why has nasa never attepted to go to the moon the last 20 years"
because it's a case of been there, done that.
If there is any reason to go back then maybe they would.
But most scientific stuff can be done remotely using robots.
They managed to rule the world at one point even without dental hygiene. :-p
Had previous lasted several days after being blasted into space....the moss piglets are not having a good time of it.