why is this such big news.
like all over every tech website it features.
i mean aside from low-light situations, dark mode is actually proven to cause more eye strain in well lit environments.
this coming from a politician..........lol
Cell989 free porn comes with its dose of viruses too
whats your point?
and the FBI doesn't see Facebook (which America owns) as a threat. hypocrites.
not to mention Facebook collects waaaaayyyyyyy more data per individual but hey, as long as America owns it the world is safe right.
I used to be quite active on this site as well as the 11x2 site and used to filter out BS like this all the time.
But i think after they refused to pay me the money i won in contests i stopped giving a fuck as well.
but you;re right, the only site they care about is N4G.
informative article this.
guess we'll have to wait till december 1st to see if my tv is on the list or not.
in other news the next version of windows wont work on some older model pcs.
wtf did i just read.....
if you want me to read tweets, just link the actual twitter thread to your site. no need to type some rubbish to build up the article, your headline summarized it well enough.
well it also depends on the time available.
generally a YouTube video is much shorter in length so taking a 10 min break for example makes YouTube a better option.
i wasnt aware that "user experience" was universal. i thought user experience was meant to be based upon the individual hence the word "user". maybe the author feels he has a better experience on the pixel instead of the iphone which is one of the reasons to make the switch.
this site is turning to shit.
the company got rich not only by the people who bought the product, but also by the people who saved them tons on labour allowing them to sell their products with a higher profit margin.
this is exactly what kabaneri means when he says they lack innovation.
back in the day, nobody thought mobile pcs could get smaller than laptop. people were comfortable with that idea until tablets came out. similarly now, people are comfortable with wearables, laptops and tablets, phones etc but surely theres something that could come completely out of left field that could change the game.....this is something apple was good at doing when Steve Jobs was there....now they have you...
macs can dual boot windows.....yes...yes it can. but windows runs slower on macs coz of bootcamp software. so your "worst case" that you speak of is another term for "completely desperate".
macs are meant to be used to mac OS. end of story. anything else and one would be shooting themselves in the foot.
looks like a linux start menu....something that could be pulled straight from linux mint or something.
what good are our thoughts if we dont have the muscle power to put ideas into practice.
"free"...........que stion is, who are they selling the data they're collecting to....one wonders.
what they dont know is this is an app for collecting data for facial recognition.
the second i read the "LOL" i was already thinking this is a kowtechie headline.....glad to know i was right.
iphone 13 - no battery.
iphone 14 - no battery, no screen.
iphone 15 - no phone in the box.
iphone 16 - you purchase a license to use the hardware annually but the device belongs to them.