Actually, I don’t mind these surveillance. The reason they are up is for the messed up people. If you aren’t doing anything bad don’t worry about it. They can spy on me. I don’t care about the principle either.
Can I get a ticket with my airline miles?
If only Chrome did this. I know I was in xvideos and youporn ok?
Maybe you can replace skin yourself with an actual woman’s one!
I guessed 2; so I suppose I was pretty close.
Preferably a good ratio of more women to men. Even if there’s 500 billion humans left it won’t be good for the specie if it’s all one gender.
I love reading the comments from spotify and apple music fanboys. Reminds me of the video game fanboys. Hahaha!
I myself have Apple Music because my current phone is an iPhone. That's mostly why people have Apple Music, nothing really special about it.
I love looking outside at the ocean and clouds but I’ve noticed most people close the blinds anyway.
I’m sure most passengers won’t care.
Slim, most states have different views on privacy, and since all that personal data is worth billions companies will simply lobby.
Can they form thoughts, or functions?
Is that the reason that generation is participating in more activities than other gens then?
By the way, I am not that gen.
They’ll still carry vinyl right?
I know that sounds kinda ironic.
Wow, really?
Any employer would fire a worker who is too much trouble like -sending out cry baby memos and spewing nonsense around. If he was fired for donating to conservatives groups or parties, that'll be different story.
I think most warehouse jobs are tough like Amazon. There’s 2 giant warehouses by my area for Fed Ex and UPS and have heard of how hard those jobs are. There’s also a post office processing center that’s pretty intense too.
Hopefully these people can find better jobs in the future.
It's not THAT daunting, try beating cancer!
If you hate it that much just switch...
Kinda misleading article. It sounds that they are trying to incorporate an agenda and tug on people's emotions. Don't they still need humans to oversee the robots? Robots just eliminates mundane tasks. You guys sound like old timers when computers came about.
The writer kinda does have good points. But I'm not an audiophile or anything either. To be honest I've never even used the headphone jack in any of my ever! I had to look for mine just now to know if I even had one.
The iphone's price is high and the performance is similar to other phones. It's hard to justify the price. Also the Samsung Galaxy's as stated by the article.
I had a 1st gen oneplus and it was a really nice device. I'll probably get another one in the future.
Where I'm from teenagers already lost their fast food jobs to older people. So I guess it doesn't matter.
As long as my mom doesn’t know what porn I watch I’m okay with it.