not going to happen... by the time any of this got moving in any real way Intel would have lost even more of it's market share to AMD and ARM
a gaming laptop is a stupid idea... if you game on a laptop you're wasting your money
you absolutely should be allowed to shoot someone who breaks into your house... :-D
remember when the Zune HD launched and Apple made fun of it's OLED... Pepperage Farm didn't forget
boohoo... welcome to capitalism now when are we going to put permanent bases on the Moon
this is super awesome!
a "How To" to live in the past
That is your rig not the OS you probably have a bad driver
1.2 million thieves
I thought I'd see an iphone in the shape of a middle finger
no.. that's all computer systems in intelligence and defense
so you can burn through your data cap even faster!
don't compare a need with a want... we need a national defense... we don't need roads paved with solar panels
YES... let Charter get in on their territory and see how fast their crappy data caps go away. Thank god I don't live in a Comcast area
Gene manipulation has been happening for eons...
Bulma does, but that's it
much salt I taste... much jelly I taste