Pound shop Tony Stark
The guy is an idiot
They wont be takin pictures of me
Can i have one please
Happily sell them my printer for a billion
Because Nasa would never lie to us would they?!?
Never even knew it was there.
Never heard of it
Dont care how far technology has come. I wouldn't be seen dead in one of those
Judgement Day is inevitable...
Sheep will lap this up. Its the only way they'll get 1 of their 5 a day.
A good move... for a change
Its for people who will insta-buy anything with an apple logo on it and apple are clever enough to cater for their every need
Tim Cook is a moron. That's all anyone needs to know about him.
Shut down websites? They'll just make more..
Googles worst fear confirmed lol.. If Samsung fully abandoned Android, Google would be pissed big time!!
I used this once for a laugh. Then gave myself a Gibbs head slap and uninstalled it.
Thought the givernment/politicians can overturn any supreme judges ruling in the US?
Its the opposite in the UK. Lawlords and high up judges can pretty much throw out anything the government does.
Biggest forehead I've ever seen.
Well I'll never buy another one then.. Seein as google will fill it with spyware, bloatware and any other crap they can cram in