
Xbox One X Shadow of War shows profound improvements over PS4 Pro

Is it a true 4K on console? An initial look at this early Xbox One X build of Shadow of War shows it's shaping up nicely ahead of launch. Comparisons with PS4 Pro reveal it hitting higher resolutions,- and with vastly improved texture quality. Tom goes into more detail.

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NoPeace_Walker2388d ago (Edited 2388d ago )

Just watched the video. WOW, the differences between the X and Pro are pretty massive. Graphics, texture quality, resolution are all closed to maxed PC settings on the X. Great work from the Shadow of War team.

2388d ago Replies(41)
spreadlove2387d ago

This quote alone is hilarious:

"Through sheer capacity via Xbox One X's 12GB of GDDR5 memory, Shadow of War offers a dramatic improvement in quality: for example, ground textures get a clear resolution bump from the soup-like results on Pro, offering a sharper, clearer presentation."

They call the PS4 Pro soup-like results! lmao! XD

Kribwalker2387d ago

wow lmao, that’s an amazing quote

KingKionic 2387d ago

Jesus Digital Foundry laying dat work.

kevnb2387d ago

Digital foundry earning that Microsoft pay cheque :)

2387d ago
kevnb2387d ago (Edited 2387d ago )

Sony isn’t the company known for paying bloggers, websites and even astroturfers without telling the public. Heck digital foundry was even posting hyperbolic videos about the Xbox one beating the ps4 by a few FPS in a few games, not to mention the super hyperbolic video trashing the ps4 performance in a few games because there were dips to 28 FPS. This is what Microsoft does, http://www.techradar.com/re...

Trekster_Gamer2387d ago

The new promotional quote for PlayStation Pro if you want soupy visuals get the pro if you want Fidelity get Xbox One X lol

darx2387d ago

Keep telling yourself that kevb.

4Sh0w2387d ago (Edited 2387d ago )


-Do you know how transparent you sound? I mean at least be original, instead of using the same old tired "M$ paid them" line every time a site says something positive about Xbox.
Jeesh, that line has to even bore YOU at this point, especially when it's not even an opinion news piece, it's an analysis from a very respected site. lol, play a new record bro, preferably one you didn't buy at the SDF swap meet.

TankCrossing2387d ago

@Kevnb Sony are most definitely known for that. They got caught with their pants down when they set up fake blogs and videos praising the Vita in "street talk".

crazyCoconuts2387d ago

The differences are not big enough to warrant their commentary, even when you use their image magnifier. At least in my opinion...

Unspoken2387d ago

PS4 is good for soup, PS3 was great as the George Foreman grill.


RememberThe3572387d ago (Edited 2387d ago )

I swear all we'd need to do is switch "PlayStation" with "Xbox" and all you guys would sound the same. These comments are turning into an echo chamber.

Everyone around here is so damn triggered I'm about to get triggered by their triggers!

itsmebryan2387d ago Show
Rude-ro2387d ago

The humor is, it took Microsoft 3 consoles to get to this gens gaming and you all act as if the Xbox one games with an x patch are a miracle.
Ignorance is bliss

+ Show (11) more repliesLast reply 2387d ago
Zero_Suit_Samus2387d ago (Edited 2387d ago )


“I buy a console for both. That’s why I own a PS4 and XBO. Best of both worlds.“

I disagree. PS4 Pro and Switch are better options. You can still play all 3rd party games while having the best exclusives in the industry.

Zeref2387d ago (Edited 2387d ago )

Halo, Gears and Forza are also huge in the gaming industry.

The best option is to buy the ones that has the things YOU like.

I have a Gaming PC and Xbox(soon Xbox One X), Play Anywhere is great for me since i can play my Xbox games on my laptop or at my desk if i want to. And i like the Xbox exclusives.
I am getting a Switch soon too because I absolutely have to play Zelda and the next pokemon game.

PS4 exclusives never appealed to me, they all have that same cinematic style that the Last of Us started, even God of War has it now.

Kribwalker2387d ago

you won’t get the best exclusive racing or FPS games if you went that route. cutting two full genres out

darthv722387d ago

When the time comes, I will add a switch to my list. I dont like not having choices in what I want or where I want to play. Some may prefer to limit their scope to one or two platforms but to truly get the full plethora of what console gaming has to offer then you have to get them all.

Some may go the gaming PC route and that's great for them, I prefer consoles. Always have, always will. By my supporting gaming as a whole I know I will be able to play any Sony, MS or Nintendo title at my leisure.

gums0072387d ago

you sound like an idiot

zb1ftw7772387d ago (Edited 2387d ago )

Why did you get a ps4pro then?

The best exclusives are on the Switch. The best graphics on the xb1x.

Ps4pro has good graphics and good exclusives, but it is the best of neither.

Ceaser98573612387d ago (Edited 2387d ago )


"PS4 exclusives never appealed to me, they all have that same cinematic style that the Last of Us started, even God of War has it now"

LMAO!! I mean your comment is a joke... you say you have a Gaming pc and yet you plan to buy the X and have a OG Xbox one such wastage much wow!.. and Xbox needs to work hard to make a game close to THE LAST OF US.. Come 2018 with God of War releasing you can hang around with your Xbox one X while i will be playing amazing games on my Pro...

Keep the dislikes coming....

2386d ago
+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 2386d ago
2387d ago
Trekster_Gamer2387d ago

I believe this will be the standard until the next generation of consoles actually arrive.
Xbox One X for all intentional purposes is next Generation compared to PS4 Pro and Xbox One the difference in-game quality. When the developers take advantage of what the Xbox One X has to offer will be Far and Away Superior to anything on Playstation currently.

SurgicalMenace2387d ago

3rd parties seldom develop any games that can match the graphical splendor of exclusive games, even on Nintendo consoles. You guys are killing me hyping up a system that is being treated the same as Sony treated the Vita, but there is no cause for alarm because it's MS. "We'll just let the 3rd parties, that are making exclusives for our competitor, make the games while we collect their money before departure. It really makes no sense that double standards that the industry practices. At least the Vita games are plentiful and exclusive, so that sales can be driven to it. I want to like my XB1, much like I liked the original system, but MS is not giving me an opportunity to. It would be great if you hardcore Xbox fans would demand that they made something new before buying yet another version of their system. What happened to the S unit?

DrumBeat2387d ago

Yep. When you get not only resolution differences, but texture differences as well, it makes you want to buy the Xbox One X version instead of the Pro version. I remember the arguments saying the Xbox One X wouldn't fare much better, but this is proof that it's substantially better than PS4 Pro.

SurgicalMenace2387d ago

Well I'll be expecting the sells numbers to support its superiority. This is just PS2 vs Xbox again. SMH All the same arguments then too.

MegamanXXX2387d ago (Edited 2387d ago )

It's a little to late for Microsoft. Maybe next generation. Hopefully they'll have more first party exclusives at launch

threefootwang2387d ago

How is it too late? This generation has barely even taken off.

MegamanXXX2387d ago (Edited 2387d ago )

And Microsoft still haven't develop any new first party studios this generation. They lost me when they decided to put more focus on third party support than first party support.

SurgicalMenace2387d ago

Dude, give it up. It's too late for MS, but they know that being the starved supporters that you are, they can release anything right now and all of you will eat it up to show you made the right choice. My prediction, last money grab, after the holidays announcing their departure from the industry. DO YOU REMEMBER THE ORIGINAL XBOX!?!?

Ceaser98573612387d ago

xbox has given up hopes on first party games.. You can see their project getting cancelled or studios getting shut down.. More will happen in future. So they are targeting Third party devs.. MS will TRY getting more timed exclusive deals and Marketing deals ( emphasis on the word TRY) to take on the Playstation.. Now all depends on how MS would execute this plan. So far with Play anywhere MS is earning from software sales since Hardware (xbox) didnt do much for MS.. People will disagree but who can deny the truth..

Obscure_Observer2386d ago


Too late? You better be ready to endure more 3-4 years of superior third party games on CONSOLE running better on Xbox One X. Hope your beefy PC serves you well ;)

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2386d ago
SierraGuy2387d ago (Edited 2387d ago )

Pretty graphics for a god awful game. Really this is all you got?! Good luck Xbox.

Atanasrikard2387d ago

Since you Sony fanboys like to spout metacritic scores all the time, I'll let you know that metacritic disagrees with you. Even so, that doesn't even skim the surface of games available on xbox.

PistolsAtDawn2387d ago

This is easily the most dramatic difference I have ever seen in a comparison this gen. This comparison shows why most comparisons so far compare X1X to PC and not PS4 Pro

Nu2387d ago

I haven't seen anything that makes me want to buy the EX. I'd rather buy a switch at this point especially since it has way more exclusive games

Aceman182387d ago

Oh dear my world will end because I'm going to play the game on the Pro.

SurgicalMenace2387d ago

I know, right? I guess Pro games will be rendered useless after Nov. 7th? LOL How much you want to be Horizon's DLC outsells everything XBOX? LMBO

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 2386d ago
XMarkstheSpot2388d ago

The IQ detail is a pretty impressive bump

2387d ago Replies(6)
mark_parch2387d ago

obviously the resolution was going to be better with slightly better shadows, lighting and draw distances but damn the 4k texture pack really surprised me the difference is huge. this is extremely impressive stuff for a first proper comparison

SurgicalMenace2387d ago

If anyone is getting angry, they must have short memories or did not get to experience the PS2 era of gaming. During that time the Gamecube and the Xbox were more powerful, but like now, it didn't matter because ultimately Sony had the games. You guys can say all day that you're not interested in Playstation exclusives, while not having the option to play them is a moot point. Given the opportunity, I am more than sure most, if not all, of you would explore the opportunity to play them. Okay 3rd party games, that come to the Xbox 1, will look better, but what about all those 3rd party games that are being made exclusively for the PS4 systems? Will those look better? Why, if the XB1X is so amazing, are no 3rd parties putting development time into making games just for the Xbox consoles? Given I most likely will have one in a year or so, but I am more than sure if all they continue to offer is Forza, Gears, and Halo that it will sit as my current system does.

I loved the original Xbox and I still play it, because it had amazing exclusives and unique development styles. It seems that MS has forgotten what made us love their system in the first place. I am glad that a new system is hitting the market, albeit with no standout games that will show off its power. I guess graphic updates on old titles and xbox backwards compatibility are fine, but man how awesome it would be if there was something that truly showed off all the power the industry is going on about. I sure wish I could feed into the hype, but like so many other MS promises, I am more than sure that this console will fall short in some way too.

mark_parch2387d ago

@SurgicalMenace the article is about shadow of war performance, why are you talking about ps4 exclusives? literally any positive xbox news and we get bombarded in the comments with Microsoft must have paid them off or xbox has no games which is fine when it's relevant but what has that got to do with shadow of war looking better on xbox.

SurgicalMenace2387d ago

My apologies Mark_Patch, my comment was directed to a comment above, I must have hit the wrong reply button. Please disregard my comment as yours is sound.

mark_parch2387d ago

@SurgicalMenace No worries buddy

darthv722388d ago

I liked the first game, I'm sure i will like this one as well.

Ceaser98573612387d ago

its an amazing game the nemesis system is bumped up and its looks amazing...

2387d ago
Zeref2388d ago (Edited 2388d ago )

Huge difference as expected.

TheHorseTamer2387d ago

This game is looking good on the Xbox One X.

FoxyGotGame2387d ago

Xbox One X giving great reasons to upgrade One S. This is a really good demonstration of the systems capabilities. Anyone who who is perturbed by this article must be a insecure raging fanboy #plasticpopulation

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Stop Forcing Multiplayer Into Single Player Games

TIM WHITE WRITES: "Multiplayer or single player? Developers, you can do both, just not willy-nilly."

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Flawlessmic391d ago

I am in absolute agreement with the OP 👌

shinoff2183391d ago

I hate when I see single player games and see people begging for multi-player. Jeez guys it don't need to be on every game. Latest one I seen was atomic heart.

-Foxtrot390d ago

Multiplayer or even co-op

If it was always a single player game then that's how it is

Inverno390d ago

It's a trend that never really went away. For me multiplayer in a primarily SP focused game was an excuse for DLC. Then there's the mentality gamers had that adding multiplayer makes a game worth the price, otherwise it should be half price for half a game. A way of thinking devs reassured when they started adding multiplayer to their sequels. We see the same with multiplayer focused games getting SP in their sequels.

Flawlessmic390d ago

Tbh multilayer now is a way to add live service and mtx elements, very rarely does it come of well.

What single players game used to be in a lot of cases now require 3 other people for keeping to really enjoy it and I hate having to rely on others to get the maximum from a game.

Sp should be sp, if devs want to add a separate multi mode then that's fine with me, the legends addition to ghost of tshushima was fricking sick but totally separate to the main game. Sick of co op too.

Hofstaderman390d ago

I remember when certain single player games had them as included optional modes that was played on the couch. Had brilliant times with Syphon Filter and Golden Eye. Me and my bro used to used to fight over who would play as Gabe even though it was technically just a skin. Good times.

Dagexon390d ago

I didn't notice your comment before I added mine.
But good times indeed

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Nacho_Z593d ago

What would you say they're missing in particular? I'd say all the ingredients are there, NPCs, sidequests, consequences of actions, level grinding. Fully customisable gear with a lot of depth.

LordoftheCritics593d ago (Edited 593d ago )

Quite a lot is missing. What you listed could be mistaken for an action adventure or any game with few rpg elements.

There's so many aspects, from non combat solutions to conflicts, fully fleshed out character, world role playing rules and elements(justice/crime/law systems etc), companions, story arcs (more than 1), illusion of a liveable/traceable world which means factions, capital, outcomes from choices (diplomacy, or other) etc etc

The story and world is fleshed out and not left to the imagination too much. Of course we still imagine certain things but they are well established and take full part in the story arcs. Which means not just world setting with bosses and lore through tidbits.

There's so so much more to it. I'm just being super brief.
Not many actual RPG's lately.

Dragon Age, Witcher etc are proper rpg games and many many older title.

That does not mean Soul's games are not rpg like, but they are closer to RPG Lite.

MadLad593d ago (Edited 593d ago )

RPGs without player agency, outside of just character build and combat, don't really feel like RPGs for me.
They're just action games.

It's why I don't consider most JRPGs actual RPGs.
I'm just building a character and throwing it into your linear world.

I'm not discounting those games for what they are. I just don't feel they actually fit being called RPGs when player agency over the world is at a minimum.

593d ago
Nacho_Z593d ago (Edited 593d ago )

I'm not sure how much of that is important to a game being a true RPG and how much is just what you personally like, I still think From games very much qualify even if they don't deal in certain clichés.

"Lore through tidbits" is technically accurate but it does the games a disservice. Yes it's delivered uniquely but the lore in their games goes deeper than anything else and shouldn't be underestimated.

LordoftheCritics593d ago (Edited 593d ago )

''Lore through tidbits'' cannot guide you through an orchestrated range of emotions.

RPG will get close to role playing that fictional reality and drop into the world's story and you are usually emotionally affected at every turn, choice, outcome. Your connection with the story, its characters and your mentally constructed version of that reality is a lot deeper and stronger as well due to the depth and breadth of the rpg creations.

Not just fear and awe.

Also its not just what I personally like, I like all kinds of games.
It's the heritage of RPG games and all the foundations of rules and systems whose goal is to create an invisible veil between reality and illusion and allow you to partake in all of that illusions systems.
The thinner the veil, the easier to role play.

CaptainHenry916593d ago (Edited 593d ago )

It's my type of RPG and fun as well. Some RPGs takes the fun factor out of it but I won't name those game's because a lot of fans will think I'm trolling. Witcher 3, Souls games, Final Fantasy, Knights of The old Republic, Mass Effect, Horizon Forbidden West, Persona 5, Tales games, and Oblivion (the best Bethesda game) is my favorite RPG games. I prefer third person RPG games though

MadLad593d ago

I love all of those listed, honestly. But I still think Bethesda peaked with Morrowind and Fallout 3.

I'm hoping Starfield really delivers for me.

CaptainHenry916593d ago

I'm hoping the new Mass Effect delivers and brings back the magic

Nacho_Z593d ago

''Lore through tidbits'' cannot guide you through an orchestrated range of emotions.'

An orchestrated range of emotions sounds like something like Uncharted, which is definitely not an RPG.

The point I'm making is that there is a series of core technical things which makes a game an RPG on a basic level and From games meet all of them. Anything else that people feel is missing is a matter of taste and personal experience.

There's no right answer to what is an RPG. A game can be a legit RPG and have a very different focus to another game in the same genre.

LordoftheCritics593d ago (Edited 593d ago )

''An orchestrated range of emotions sounds like something like Uncharted, which is definitely not an RPG.''

Its not exclusive. Might want to read the rest.
It is not about taste and personal pref,experience etc. The rpg term being coined and used for a long time has a basis. Learn it. Many can fit the rpg spectrum, but there is a spectrum and souls is on the lighter side.

Souls is an rpg but rpg lite, coors light lite.

Nacho_Z593d ago

Here's a definition of an RPG I found which seems fair enough.

"Defining RPGs is very challenging due to the range of hybrid genres that have RPG elements.

Traditional role-playing video games shared five basic elements:

The ability to improve your character over the course of the game by increasing his statistics or levels.

A menu-based combat system with several choices of skills, spells, and active powers as well as an active inventory system with wearable equipment such as armors and weapons.

A central quest that runs throughout the game as a storyline and additional (and usually optional) side quests.

The ability to interact with elements of the environment or storyline through additional abilities (e.g. lockpicking, disarming traps, communication skills, etc.)

The existence of certain character classes that define the characteristics, skills, abilities, and spells of a character (e.g. wizard, thief, warrior, etc.)"

That's a From game whether you like it or not. Not so much the ability to interact with the environment but the depth of lore and world building more than makes up for that.

I think you've got a rigid image of what an RPG is in your head and you can't see past it.

LordoftheCritics593d ago

Yup Soul's games are Coors ultra lite in those asepcts.

While the RPG RPG games are heavily fleshed out on most aspects and beyond on some.

Nacho_Z593d ago

Double RPG hey, you're inventing a new genre. There's nothing light about From's games in fact the opposite is true they're thematically rich and dark and dripping in more interesting lore than any series of games I've played.

If you think From games only touch lightly on the five classic RPG features that I posted then you don't know what you're talking about. There's nothing light and fluffy about their upgrade systems or their storytelling.

Maybe they're not to your taste because you prefer things to be spelled out but their subtlety doesn't make them any less of an RPG.

LordoftheCritics593d ago (Edited 593d ago )

Yup that's what Soul's games are.

RPG Subtle. New genre.

593d ago Replies(1)
593d ago Replies(1)
Nacho_Z593d ago


Grow up, nobody destroyed anybody and if they did it certainly wasn't you. No, I don't have an alt account never have for any forum I've been in. Thanks for the discussion.

Class_Viceroy593d ago

Funny thing is, I actually don’t enjoy Souls combat at all. The world and exploration is all I really like. It’s not even that it’s too hard, I don’t mind grinding and learning, just like I would do for a JRPG or many other games. Just don’t feel like it’s that fun after 5-10 hours of fighting.

593d ago
593d ago
593d ago Replies(1)
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MadLad593d ago

The lack of Kingdom Come Deliverance is upsetting.

Class_Viceroy593d ago

This is a good choice, although I would argue playing this game on a console or controller completely eliminates it from the discussion.

MadLad593d ago (Edited 593d ago )


I have it on both the PC and Xbox. It's better on keyboard/mouse, but I don't think it's bad on a controller.

DVAcme593d ago

Not a bad list at all. The only one I haven't played there is Mortal Shell, but all the other games are great choices, with Shadow Of War and MOTHERFUCKING KING SHIT SUPREME DRAGON'S DOGMA as my personal favorites there.

Ninver593d ago

Off topic: I'm thinking of getting the witcher 3. Do I need to play 1 & 2?

MadLad593d ago

No. They're good at letting you in on the story. If you have it on GoG/Steam some minor stuff carries over, but you don't really need to play the older games to fully enjoy the third.

I do recommend playing the second game in general though. It's really good. I love the original, but it's really antiquated by today's standards. I think you could only fully enjoy it if you played it back when it released. Also has some pacing issues.

Ninver593d ago

Unfortunately I've only got a ps4 and I dont recall TW2 being available on the platform. I guess I could watch story recaps of both 1 & 2 on youtube or entire walkthrough if need be. Thanks for clarifying. You're alright 😁

MadLad593d ago (Edited 593d ago )

I would love to see exactly why I'm getting the downvotes.

I don't actually care about them, I just think it's obnoxious being I didn't say anything I don't find true.

That's why the voting system shouldn't even be. You get a lot more information from actually verbally stating your point, thus actually adding to the conversation, than just hitting a nothing button.

Class_Viceroy593d ago

At this point, don’t bother. Watch a couple YouTube videos to get caught up.

Ninver592d ago

I will do that, thanks

593d ago Replies(1)
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Here are the new Xbox Game Pass Quests for September 2022

Xbox Game Pass Quests recently reset for the month of September. So if you try to collect as many Microsoft Rewards points as possible, there's a new set available now.

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