
No Man’s Sky Has Gigantic Creatures After All- They Are Just Very Rare

There has been a lot of controversy around No Man's Sky- the game promised a lot, and while the final product is worth a playthrough, it still is a far cry from what we were told to expect.

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phantomexe2812d ago

Check that off the list haters it's a big universe.

DiscoMan2812d ago

It looks like they just scaled a small monster up. lol

sampson31212811d ago

ummm? how else would a dev do it?

2811d ago
fr0sty2811d ago

Kinda like how Jurrasic Park just scaled up small lizards?

neutralgamer19922810d ago

Please post a single article or video or any suggestion by developers where they promised every single one of those features you listed?

Base building will be added according to developers
Where did they promise you a FPS OR EVEN A 3rd person shooter sort of game?
Multi player should have been there I agree with you. I think the universe holds such a potential for great multi player

Large fleets space ship battles were never ever promised and in most previews even journalists said most space battles are very straight forward

I agree with you on controls
I agree with you on planets and plants
I believe the game requires too big of grind
The game lacks variety
The game lacks a clear vision and clear story
All of the planets bases look the same
Every planet you do the same thing

So as you see I am not defending the game in any sense but I do have an issue with gamers having this imaginations of what they wanted and the developers had a different vision


Please read this article. People are bashing no man sky because it's not what they wanted when actually it is exactly what the developers wanted to deliver

The team started out with 3/4 developers and in the end were 14 developers

Read the article and in the end developers said so that fans expected their own imaginations

And they do plan on adding base building and space battles

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2810d ago
uth112811d ago

I can't believe they would "lie" like that smh

TC7312811d ago

Oh wow, there are big creatures...man, that totally makes up for the lack of building, combat, multiplayer, large fleets of spaceships, planetary variety (rings, differing biomes), a decent story/ending, the terrible interface, having to hold down the button to click things in the menu, the ultra-slow walking speed, constant farming meaningless materials just to continue exploring, the constant annoying alerts popping up on screen, etc, etc.

Rachel_Alucard2811d ago

Don't forget the AI never being as dynamic as showcased in the trailers, like with the Rhino charging through smaller mammals and having them group up and run.

joab7772811d ago

And everything else they never said would be in the game.

mogwaii2811d ago

To be fair he never said anything about ringed planets or building that im aware of but yeah he sure did say a lot of shit.

gigoran2811d ago

jesus... from what limited things they said about multiplayer, how on earth would you still be salty about it not being there? honestly the more people like you complain the funnier it gets

Gambit_the_White2811d ago

They never said building would be in the game. However, they revealed, post-launch mind you, that they would add base-building along with the ability to own space freighters in a later patch. Combat is there in the game and it's everything it was supposed to be. This game is not an FPS so if you thought you'd be dropping out of your ships to stop big, bad aliens on every planet then you bought the wrong game. Also, planets were not supposed to have different biomes. The developers opted for a single biome spread throughout the entire planet and they stated this openly. And there actually is a lot of variety in the planets. The key is to keep exploring because honestly, you don't know what you'll find. It's such a huge, huge universe. Sure, the odds of finding a barren planet might be higher than finding this lush, dynamic jungle planet with huge dinosaur like creatures, but when you do find something like that, it's pretty awesome.

A linear storyline/ending is also something that wasn't supposed to be in the game, and they said that from the beginning. Your journey is your story. But even still, there is the Atlas path which is pretty interesting so far, in my experience. I'll agree to the interface being bad, and it's sort of annoying to have to hold down the button for everything but I got used to it, same as with R3 being sprint instead of L3.

I can only speak for myself but I'm really loving this game. I can't wait to see what they do with future updates. The developers seem really intent on adding features and stuff to the game. I feel like an early-access release would have fared better with this game though, based on what the game is today and what the developers want it to be after future updates.

IamTylerDurden12811d ago (Edited 2811d ago )

Your list is flat wrong. He said after the game released that they would add building, not prior.

Sean always stated that there is no linear narrative, for u to list "story" is ridiculous.

Haha "annoying alerts". Are u talking about milestones?

The game has combat, but it isn't a combat focused game. This was explained only a thousand times...

There is planetary variety.

Are u joking by mentioning mp? It's a sp game. Are u just running with the "scandel" about not being able to see another player? It's a sp game, anyone that mentions mp is uninformed or a troll.

ShadowWolf7122811d ago

They always said base building was something to be implemented after launch dude.

phantomexe2811d ago

Nope like ive said before there are a variety of very large creatures in this game. I've sunk alot of time into the game and enjoying it. I think ppl are mad they can't turn on the game and everything they ever wanted to see isn't right there in front of them. Your little pee size brains can't comprehend the size of this game. You want everything handed to you and chances are daddy buys all your games. Clearly reading about the games before you buy them isn't something alot of you do. Hello games was very clear about this game. Ofcourse typeing this out a waste of time. Like having a conversation rock. Alot of you know nothing of this game your trolling to get people work up. Game not perfect but know ever is.

x_BlackRose2811d ago

You were reaching there after you started off strong

showtimefolks2811d ago (Edited 2811d ago )


Please post a single article or video or any suggestion by developers where they promised every single one of those features you listed?

Base building will be added according to developers
Where did they promise you a FPS OR EVEN A 3rd person shooter sort of game?
Multi player should have been there I agree with you. I think the universe holds such a potential for great multi player

Large fleets space ship battles were never ever promised and in most previews even journalists said most space battles are very straight forward

I agree with you on controls
I agree with you on planets and plants
I believe the game requires too big of grind
The game lacks variety
The game lacks a clear vision and clear story
All of the planets bases look the same
Every planet you do the same thing

So as you see I am not defending the game in any sense but I do have an issue with gamers having this imaginations of what they wanted and the developers had a different vision


Please read this article. People are bashing no man sky because it's not what they wanted when actually it is exactly what the developers wanted to deliver

The team started out with 3/4 developers and in the end were 14 developers

Read the article and in the end developers said so that fans expected their own imaginations

And they do plan on adding base building and space battles

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 2811d ago
2811d ago Replies(2)
spoilerjerk2811d ago (Edited 2811d ago )

I've seen creatures about this size, sometimes in large herds but just as this video shows none of them are even close to as dynamic as the trailers. They are the same goofy creatures pieced together with robotic movements, just bigger. If you think those look as well put together and programmed as these you are in some denial... https://youtu.be/nLtmEjqzg7...

joab7772811d ago

I agree to a point but I have seen them group up, run away, etc. I dunno. I do know that expectations built off a trailer were way overhyped. I wasn't let down because I never imagined 10 ppl building skyrim in space.

yeahokwhatever2811d ago

ive come across lots of huge animals. Just no giant space worms yet. mainly because ive yet to see more sand than a few hundred feet.

Artemidorus2811d ago

One down, half a million reasons to go.

Kurdishcurse2811d ago

Your desperation in damage control reeks of ego preservation.

Majister-Ludi2811d ago

Lol yeah because that makes the game better. Yet another creature that appears as lifeless and non interactive as the rest. I saw big creatures to and that doesn't make my experience any better sorry.

SonyWarrior2811d ago

probably was patched in theres been 2 patches i havent played it in over a week now

XanderZane2811d ago (Edited 2811d ago )

Can you ride them? Did they add this with the patch?

Tedakin2811d ago

Yeah but they forced them down everyone's throat as the centerpiece of what you'd find.... It took 2-3 weeks to see 1. 90% of PC gamers already quit playing.

IGiveHugs2NakedWomen2810d ago

I've seen some, hell, I even landed on one planet, started exploring and one them attacked me.

+ Show (10) more repliesLast reply 2810d ago
yeahokwhatever2811d ago

that would probably be the best mod ever.

DarthZoolu2811d ago

You all need to go play Elite Dangerous. It's bad ass. More of a space sim. Plus the Alien War is coming.

jivah2810d ago

Eh. Go play Star Citizen. Or just watch the 3.0 demo. It'll give you that fix and more

KillZallthebeast2811d ago (Edited 2811d ago )

On titain it rains methane so it certainly doesn't have to be water. Besides there are more factors than just temperature to determine what form a substance is.

2811d ago
iceman062811d ago

Different elements and compounds respond differently to changes in temperature AND pressure. They have found evidence of moving liquids on planets in areas this cold or colder...it just wasn't water.

KillZallthebeast2811d ago

lol 1 guy on this really hates science

nX2811d ago

^Probably one of those Trump voters that still deny climate change, yet can't read simple charts that prove the dramatic changes during the last few years.

-Foxtrot2811d ago

I found something big in the game, I named it disappointment

phoenixwing2811d ago (Edited 2811d ago )

lol that was funny. I have no opinion to give on the game since I haven't bought it but that is comedian level.

LordMaim2811d ago

Only if that comedian was Dane Cook.

GrubsterBeater2811d ago (Edited 2811d ago )

I know that you are attempting to hate on the game, altgough I love it, and think it is amazing, and will only continue to get better through updates over time... but...

Nothing beats what my brother found in the game. Let's just say they were little herds of little, hopping, floppy.... members... with a... sack... on the bottom..

....They were floppy penises with scrotums they hopped on for travel, okay..

It was the funniest thing I have seen in a longgggg time. Hahahaha

I apologize for the vulgarity. I don't know how else to explain/describe this though. Lol

2811d ago
GrubsterBeater2810d ago

Guys I will try to post a picture in the comments when I get out of work tonight. You have to see it. So funny. Lol

gbsrnctaln2811d ago

Saw huge animals on my 2nd planet. Proof that its people who havent played the game who are doing a lot of the hating.

CrimzonRazor2811d ago

yep ive seen a good number of massive critters and a good number of them were not nice

Kurdishcurse2811d ago

Anecdotal at best. Someone playing the game or not has nothing to do with the devs deceptions.

fei-hung2811d ago

Very true, but I'm still disappointed. I remember the first trailer where he walks out of the cave and looks at all these animals, scanning them and waking by them and then you look to your side and there is a huge trex like creature that runs through the jungle knocking over a tree. I've not seen any animal destroy anything in this game. They don't interact with anything but yourself. I've not even seen animals hunting for food, eating out sleeping.

Lon3wolf2811d ago

I've seen a predator hunt and kill smaller things, got a pic of it standing over its kill.

gangsta_red2811d ago


Or did you kill it yourself and then wait for the other animal to wander aimlessy around it?

fei-hung2811d ago

That's probably one of the issues. The damn universe is so big, we don't know what they have and haven't put in until we discover it and we can't rely on the dev since they speak in code.

ziggurcat2811d ago


"The damn universe is so big, we don't know what they have and haven't put in until we discover it..."



there you go with your incredulity, again... just because you didn't experience that on the 20 or so planets you visited out of the 18 *quintiliion* planets in your own, specific galaxy (which would be different than the galaxy other people would have been dealt) doesn't mean other people haven't experienced those things.

rainslacker2810d ago (Edited 2810d ago )


I could go out into the woods, and not see another predator kill another animal, or even come across an animal like say a deer, depending on the circumstances. Just because I don't experience or see such a thing, doesn't mean they don't exist, because the woods are large, and we only get a small glimpse of one part of it. Maybe one in 20 times I could see a predator hunting, and maybe one in 40 I could come across a deer.

That's how numbers of vast scale work. Woods is a micro-analogy to the same principal, and NMS is much larger than the woods by comparison.

Here's something interesting. For all these nature shows you watch where they show predators hunting their prey, they can shoot up to 40-50 hours of footage watching animals they know will hunt at some point, just for that 2 minutes of a kill. Crazy how even in nature, it's not that common to come across.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2810d ago
Deacon23842811d ago

I've also found a planet where predators actively hunt and kill prey. I have also found large animals on a few of the planets I have visited. Nothing as big as the ones in the video but they were at least 1.5 times bigger than my ship.

rainslacker2810d ago (Edited 2810d ago )

Saw them on my 4th or so, haven't seen one since. Never even knew people were saying that they didn't exist and it required an article to clarify that the people complaining are simply oblivious to how variances based on random variables can be hard to come by when applied to large scales. I just chalked that up to people not understanding math, and figuring they were the same kind of people who can't comprehend just how vast the universe is. Same people who say life can't exist or evolve as we know it on other planets because none are like earth. Most of those people tend to be religious nuts, so at least this game achieved pointing them out in an easy to identify manner.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2810d ago
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thorstein3h ago

Don't worry, AI will save us all.

And if you didn't know, that's sarcasm!

Goodguy013h ago

Idk. Great games have still been releasing. Mcsft is still no different than after the 360 era. PS, you just have to wait many years for. Nintendo is readying next gen and will definitely have many games. 3rd party and indies have been the highlight so far this year.

LucasRuinedChildhood4m ago(Edited 0m ago)

Yeah but the games coming out have been in development for many years so they're not affected by this issue.

This is more about the future.

I would say that indies will continue to put out interesting games at least. They need to avoid buyouts though or they're in danger of ending up like Roll7.

Part of the issue is that CEOs created projections based on the Covid years. Now that the line/Growth™ isn't going up, they're overcorrecting for stakeholders despite high profits. There's a certain mindlessness to it.

Hopefully with inflation down and more realistic projections, things will level out.

It's a bit mad that we've been hearing so much about game budgets getting too big and then they decide to kill off all these small to mid-sized studios though.


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