CRank: 5Score: 620

I'll be sticking with Gmail. It's had this feature for ages, allowing users to send/receive from Hotmail and ISP accounts. Wonder if Yahoo! allows you to do the same?

5238d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Would love to see a review of this soon, not just for the solar power aspect, but also for the design itself; looks rather nice, i say.

5239d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I know where i work the Win 7 roll-out has been a little bumpy -- Novell issues causing BSOD when accessing network content -- so i guess it is wise to stick with what works until Win 7 is 100 per cent proven in a business environment. It'sone thing for a small business to roll out Win 7 with no problems, but medium-to-large sized business rolling out Win 7 can't afford any niggling problems, so if their Win XP environment continues to work flawlessly, then no point in moving up just ...

5239d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Numerous times my friends would call me to fix their computers and i'd find the cause of all the trouble to be LimeWire. And the worst part is that these were mostly inexperienced users who ran it because they heard you could download songs. Instead, they got a bunch of exe files and infected their machines. Still amazing that it was around for so long. I assumed it bit the dust long ago as i haven't been required to fix my mates' computers in a while now; i guess they got a bit m...

5239d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I think it's always been about bragging rights more than need. Forget about the special products to facilitate those users who wanted to overclock and can afford it. If you're a true overclocker, you won't buy any of the off-the-shelf, top-line overclockable products, but instead take more simple hardware to a faster level -- like the article says. It's all about the challenge. That said, fast hardware is cheaper than ever these days and unless you're a hobbyist, it's ...

5320d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

SSD FTW baby! Toshiba's already up to 1TB stamp-sized SSDs, so larger sizes shouldn't be too far off now -- only thing holding them back is demand. But still, a 100TB conventional HD is pretty bitchin.

5321d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yeah, they are definitely not needed if you are not a gamer (the latest integrated ATI chipsets are quite good), but man, you still need a kick-arse card to play games with.

5321d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment