Yeah, because the markup on cell phones wasn't already egregious.
We know this because all technology decreases in manufacturing and materials as time increases. The only exceptions are cars and cell phones. When first manufactured these things were expensive, but due to automation, the production has decreased the cost of manufacturing.
Now, for cars and cell phones, we are paying 3 times as much for a product that costs 1/3 what it used to cost to ...
You get your news from Facebook?
Is all the food still wet?. Yeah, it's so difficult to use a strainer.
I, quite honestly, don't read a lot of what you say as it is mostly ill informed.
You literally used a letter to the editor and Wikipedia as a source. FFS, wikipedia is not allowed in academia and further, isn't even a valuable source... for sources!
You claimed an absolute statement and I called you on it by quoting other absolute statements.
So, all you get is a blank screen? /sarcasm tag (for those who don't understand.)
Exactly. The horseless carriage will never catch on.
Nobody will ever travel a mile a minute.
Surpass the speed of sound? Impossible.
They already are controlling which sites you see in search engines. Search engines do the same. I often wonder what I can't get access to already.
She already divided the Democrats, now she wants to destroy Facebook.
I don't know, why are they creating aN AR Headset? Because they likes the money?
So, setting the cruise control doesn't drive the car for me?!
(please note: the previous comment is hyperbolic* sarcasm. I must add this note for those readers who lack simple reading comprehension skills.)
*hyperbolic - of or pertaining to hyperbole*
*hyperbole - exaggerated statements or claims not meant to be taken literally
I was going to post something similar, and I am not even a millennial.
"Tesla stock plunged 23% from March 12 through March 29, the last day of active trading. At $266.13, shares are 32% below their all-time high of $389.61."
You keep selling, I'll keep buying. Did the same when the Doomz and Gloomz articles and subsequent stock drops in Amazon and Ebay. Your loss is my gain.
Hidden? Who didn't know that this was their business model? How do you think they made money?
How do you think Google/ Alphabet make money? Holy S--- do you live under a rock?
3,19,999? Is that a number?
YES!!! YESS!!!! NOW, go use snapchat, twitter, craigslist, etc etc... any service that is "free." They aren't using your data for nefarious and greedy reasons at all.
Nice try but that won't work. Chances are that your state or municipality's educational "leaders" have ignored the teachers and purchased some form of electronic testing for reading and math.
These tests are administered online and the data goes directly back to the corporation (with some ancillaries for the teachers.) Some of the questions can contain corporate logos/ names. Some of the questions can be used for marketing purposes.
Sure. That way Whatsapp can make billions selling your data to big corporations and governments while using bots to manipulate you.
Geography! Eeek!
"Section 3. Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort. No person shall be convicted of treason unless on the testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act, or on confession in open court."
Knowing what things are is important when making a claim. Please do this in the future. At no time did Snowden commit treason as he did not "adhere" to the countr...
Well, too bad there isn't a policy. Something that would make a neutral network. Some thing that would prevent corporations from throttling data. Some policy that would make the internet equal amongst all comers.
If only... we could call it something alliterative like Neutral Net or Net Neutral... if only someone had thought of this sooner...