looks nice! I hope this Prime thing is a treat for all as well!! :(
There are two different links for it: http://www.intel.com/museum... this one worked for me!! takes a lot of time in loading though!!
If you are not doing anything wrong, you shouldn't be worried ;) besides.. Intel has better things to do then Spy on people! :P we have Facebook for that! LOL!!
Aah the never ending debAtes of ios vs android, Win vs Mac, PS3 vs Racer-X :P
About the iPAd! Retina is a lot to ask, to be honest! the costs would go high!! but your example is exactly what I was going to post here!
iPad 2 has a Camera now! was it really TOO hard for Apple to give Camera in the first version! iPad 2 has a lot more features and "ON THE SAME COST" So why was it so hard for Apple to integrate a camera in the first version!
so its that business model, and the BIG GAME PLAN they follow! Again, they knew iPad ne...
you are forgetting, Just got Core2Duo and Corei7... just got Macbook and Macbook AIR! :P This is how they keep us busy and this is how they earn!
Wow! Google had a lot to spend!! I think we are missing a few acquisitions! or is that it????