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"They cant honestly tell us that the ps4 can't do what the psvitatv does"

Why would the cheapest 8th gen home console need to?

3937d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I wouldn't call it a "pathetic prat"

The guy was with Nokia for 15 years and seems to have loved the experience. He's just trying to preserve a piece of that...he's going about it the wrong way calling it "Newkia", sure, but that's not "pathetic"

You can't blame anyone from Nokia for not wanting to work with the blacksheep OS that is Windows Phone.

3939d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Well, Microsoft just bought Nokia; of course any class Nokia might have had is being beaten out of them.

Nokia sure is lucky to have the makers of the "Kin" behind them now. /s

3941d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

How could NO ONE else want to deal with the situation if the evidence is supposedly so striking?

3942d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

He already had his mind made up that the resolution didn't go far enough. They were debating whether or not to go through with it, not whether or not the degree was proper.

What's really sad is that Obama thinks that it's okay to get involved in another civil war (when he promised to not get involved in any), but argues that he's 'only kinda going to war' because it's just airstrikes. And that one of the main concerns by his opposition is that th...

3942d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

So...they both absorbed small, has-been cell phone companies? Why bother?

3943d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

So you're just mad that he took advantage of his youth?

Unless he came from a REALLY rich family, he probably didn't start off with "company that will be worth millions one day" money. I would say that's a pretty marked disadvantage to be a kid.

Plus...come on, he did that AND managed to get potentially Harvard-grade school work done. What part of that screams "unlimited free time"?

3943d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

They're using a trademarked Nestle product as the name of the new OS? Why would Nestle lend them that name? That's just stupid.

....anyone else hungry for a kitkat bar?
(yes, I'm being intentionally ironic)

3943d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

"You don't DESERVE your money, Jaylen! YOU GOT LUCKY! You give us 30% of that money so that we can subsidize internet, to people that already have access to it, right this minute!"

3944d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

"Bledsoe Technologies offers a range of services including E-Commerce solutions, social media branding, business and tech consulting, among other things"

That sounds pretty f***ing impressive for a 12-15 y/o to me.

Especially since he's in high school and has plans for HARVARD at the same time.

3944d ago 9 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yeah, yeah, everyone that doesn't like what you like just didn't give it a chance, getting to learn it is the exact same thing as getting to like it, blah blah blah, same old W8 fanboy rhetoric over and over.

3950d ago 4 agree5 disagreeView comment

How are people still oblivious to the fact that it is INTERFACE that people hate about W8? You might like it, but most people do not.

If a person dislikes the interface, miniscule improvements in how it runs aren't going to change their mind.

3950d ago 6 agree4 disagreeView comment

Oh, well then 3D applications seem unlikely.

All I can really suggest is to get a laptop with an i3 or i5 processor, has at least 4GB of DDR3 RAM, and avoid Dell and HP (I suggest Toshiba, Samsung, Acer, or even Sony if you're willing to spend the extra money). And you're going to want to get Windows because there's a good chance you'll run into a teacher that REQUIRES Microsoft specific files for assignments (I hope I'm not being patronizing, but it soun...

3951d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

IDK, I'm really inconsistent when it comes to posting on techspy. I'm hard pressed to go a day without posting on N4G, though.

3951d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Details, mah boy. What are you going to be using it for with classes? Any 3D applications? Just email and writing papers? What are you majoring in?

3951d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Someone get this lame joke over with and call me "internet Jesus"

3955d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

What evidence do you have that pirates are the majority?

Keep in mind, it referred to PIRATES when it started on it's "we all" comment and that's what I was responding to:

"We've all done it. One day it's pirating an album, the next day it's streaming movies from a sketchy site"

Meme pictures don't hurt anyone and Ad blockers aren't criminal. I'm hard pressed to believe that the "major...

3955d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

"I think many people have done so, except for you"

But we haven't "all" done it and I know I'm not alone.

3955d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I don't regard using "meme pics" as a real offense and I'm using a "Red" avatar.

I was really referring to the music piracy, but I might not have made that clear. There, I updated my first comment.

But I've never unlocked hardware, heard of grooveshark or used any similar sites, worked in other countries for other countries' companies, connected to wifi I wasn't welcome to, messed with IP, shared service passwords, mad...

3955d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

"We've all done it. One day it's pirating an album, the next day it's streaming movies from a sketchy site"

I hate that attitude. Just because you and a couple friends do it, doesn't mean "we all do it". We aren't all pirates.

Half of the stuff on that list is "copyright for copyright's sake" infractions that not even the owners care about. Big deal. Do you think FOX gives a flying sh** that I use this...

3955d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment