everytime i see your picture it reminds me of Jim from the office
and yeah, humanity is sinking to a new low yatayatayata...
say what you will about Steve Jobs but he made this company different, and since his death the company isn't the same, i don't feel real confident and arrogance of the old Apple, which make it nothing but an empty shell of a once distinctive company.
Apple Fanboys should face it, their beloved company is dying a slow and painful death.
the only thing that's making me stay on the windows platform is Steam, as soon as steam releases Steam for linux with a decent game compatibility rate i'm gone.
Microsoft should stop trying to be Apple or Google, they're not good at it.
that's why i'll stick with 7 till Microsoft they come back to their mind...
why get new ones if you gonna break them :|
people these days.....do anything to get hits
and that's why i hate teenagers
good thing i waited, this should be a good upgrade from my iPhone 4
when god shuts a door, he opens a window...
they think this will help them fight piracy, it's only making people hate them more and feel less guilty pirating their stuff...
nononononono....he's not smart.....PERIOD.
a while ago a 15" OLED screens cost around 2K£,
i will not be surprised if this costs around 20K£...
Seventy-seven seventy...i like the way it sounds lol
i'll believe it when i see it
Overkill @_@
Now That's a Spicy Meat-a-ball
pathetic nerds
i was to write a witty comment, then i read the 160 billion....so yeah.....