
CRank: 5Score: 6310

No but risk assessment is made and I was only commenting on the "yes we should as one single invention or a cure of some disease can be found can cause big revolution . And will benefit the living on earth ." remark.

As the likelihood of a greater harm to earth is more a possibility then a cure of a disease.

Also, scientist will never have more money then they need... because the search for new scientific data also is exponential as the information...

4448d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

The higher likelihood is the bringing back of a pathogen or something that would effect us in a negative way.

Even here on earth people always wonder of the marvels of discovery and the potential of good while ignoring all the non-native species that destroy our ecosystem. By being uprooted from native habitat and brought in to a new host environment to find it has no natural enemies or selective restrictions to it.

A single pathogen could possibly be dorman...

4448d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

Except the vast majority of people that say they are Anonymous really think they are claiming to be in some special group.

This is not V for Vendetta, this is not an Alan Smythee pseudonym.... people really think they are a part of some special cause.

And people who threaten and then promote they are anonymous end up talking against the wrong person and finding out they aren't so Anonymous after all.

THOSe people make me laugh....

4459d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

"The “hacktivists” are part of the group Anonymous" bullcrap... everybody and their brother claims they are a part of anonymous... that is like saying you are a part of the human race.

Their is no single entity known as Anonymous... it has become a tagline for everyone to claim some greater cause for their activities.

I am going to call myself Anonymous and thus I am now Anonymous... all wanna be's who weren't allowed in any other group so...

4460d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Good for him!

4464d ago 11 agree1 disagreeView comment


I program games as a hobby. And have been using computers since TRS-80 days. (used to sell my game programs on floppy disks and tape cassettes out of the local Radio Shack)

And even I today see all updates as a hassle. Annoying little glitches that need to be Sherlocked Holmed just because I loaded new software onto my PC that is now some how conflicting with older software.

So many different variables to deal with. My issues are ...

4478d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Note: Just because your video card is the only NEW hardware does not mean it is the only thing that needs updated. Many old hardware need to update drivers that are constantly being pushed down.

Main reason that people fail to get programs to install and work properly is the simple matter as them not knowing that new drivers are available that NEW software is looking for.

Other reason are that people's system and hardware may work perfectly fine for one...

4478d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Always better to be able to create a game for one system and not worry about different components and adaptability.

In today's market the console has it right in being able to identify a single model to create for.

PC is always a game of having to torture yourself in updating the system specs or tweaking items to make a game work on it.

PC has more potential but the variety of components is it's downfall.

4480d ago 2 agree10 disagreeView comment

Linux is an operating system. But it goes to say that you are likely an anti-Microsoft person and thus by default likely an Apple supporter.

4514d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

It is called disclosure... due to the matters of the case Apple had to hand over certain information related to matters.

They now seek to keep this information within the courts and not share it with their customers and the world.

Likely due to the fact that people will realize they are being over billed for a product that is no better then the other products on the market. And shows studies of how much they can over price and still keep customers and make a...

4534d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

So he was renting a building for a fence and advertising for that fence.
(a fence is basically a person who sells others stolen goods)

No problems there... he was acting like a Bishop.

4550d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Here is the CNET link: http://news.cnet.com/8301-1...

4551d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Are you serious? US did not do the raid. It was local NZ officials who screwed up the raid. US was just the accusers. It was up to NZ officials to correctly sanction and proceed with proper apprehension.

4570d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Nothing new... South Korea basically did the same thing. Making sure that they could control the phone services in their country.

4583d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

There was NOTHING Raunchy about that dance routine. The song on the other hand had some funny crap.

"The words MICRO and SOFT don’t apply to my penis. (or vagina)" was the actual text I think in the display they had on stage.

Totally looked like something they would do in Japan.

Reminded me of a bad sex education dance team they would invite to grade schools to educate kids. Tying to be hip but loosing because hip isn't hip an...

4588d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

And who is going to save Sony???

p.s. stop wasting our time with translated webpages.... they make no sense to anyone.

4604d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

The vulnerability is with Remote Desktop Protocol. Vast majority of people do not have this option turned on. If your computer is not business related or hooked to a large mainframe then odds are you don't have protocol turned on. If you do then turn it off until the patch arrives. People should rarely if ever need to have it turned on anyway. Unless you like to control your computer from another remote device.

4676d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

How to kill an IP in one easy step. Start charging when it was previously offered for free.

4716d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Techwizard? Far from it. TechGeek??? Guilty as charged. I have always been one of the first to have to get the latest technology regardless of if I had even opened the box of the previous item I had bought.

My comment had nothing to do with the article it had to directly with your statement of "...who still uses USB except for charging." which appeared to be a statement instead of a question due to a lack of a question mark. Seeming to present the case that you kne...

4736d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I am assuming you have no idea what is going on in the technology world today? USB is still the favored connection method for the vast majority of devices and will be for some time. Just because other methods are available and might be better doesn't mean that it has been deemed archaic.

I bet you are still wondering why people are using DVDs when Bluray is available too?

4737d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment