
CRank: 5Score: 420

13k passwords is actually pretty pathetic all told. I am sure they spent a lot of time on that.

3585d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

But Ritalin and all those semi-amphetamine drugs that these people give to children en masse are A-OKAY kids! EAT UP!

3722d ago 9 agree1 disagreeView comment

Hi Office 2013, meet Torrent. Hi GUYZ!

4416d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Or maybe you should install firefox Nightly or update your computer.

Whoever the **** trusts google with anything they do on the net are some baggers I don;t care to meet. After a few months Firefox will be up to speed again. Nightly, which is the experimental build, is far beyond the normal release version and has already solved tons of memory leaks and bugs. Sure, it's buggy at times but I barely even notice for an experimental build. You can DL Aurora or the beta if yo...

4457d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

Too True.

4629d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

LOL you guys act like we know everything about the moon like we have conquered space yet all we can do is go a couple thousand miles up right now and can barely fix our shuttles.

We know next to nothing about the moon. They claim to be looking for water, looking for this and that, and a few gulf club swings don't get you very far. Sure they did some great experiments if you believe we landed there but certainly there is much to learn about this natural satellite.

4631d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

So let us see them go back to the moon and then measure how many years it took in between just so we can lulz at the fake landing in 69'. I kid but let us be serious. Nobody in their right mind should believe any of this coming from the governments of the 60s up until today. Most corrupt people on the planet capable of anything. At this point who cares if they did or did not go. Until they go again I remain skeptical of many things. Even if they did land why have we not been back. We don&...

4632d ago 1 agree5 disagreeView comment

Please do not believe this article. IT IS JUST like videogame hit pieces for clicks.

Firefox is by the far the best browser on the market. Read the discussion. For multitab users it is way ahead of Chrome. And the newest 10 is very stable. I personally use Nightly which is the x64 nightly build and it is doing well lately. People are so lame. Chrome is garbage and Google is not to be trusted.

I cannot believe people believe this crap.

4635d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment