
CRank: 5Score: 18330

Nothing against Bitcoin actually , but you wanted to live in the fringe zone , and to gamble in the wild ? Well you lost it happens ... it's no use asking a governement to help you outside the comfort zone .

3440d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

And ? it still mean people mindlessly bought it . That the next time they'll have to deliver a much better product is another matter and doesnt make it a flop so far .

Apple Watch still crushed sales of far less expensive smart bands , and actually had supply issues for a long while . It means that 350 to 1000$ watchs are actually beating 60 to 200 dollars ones , and of course the other higher prices watches . pretty much only FitBit stuff held up and stayed above .

3470d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm not even sure about the functionality and i usually like the iphones and ipads ... it basically requires you to own a phone (like the rest of them watches) , got no battery , and does nothing useful if you don't care for tracking of your vital signs and health .

To be fair , high priced usual watch arent exactly better and usually a matter of style and vanity as well ... but until it can properly work without a phone at least , it's not for me

3487d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Good the less she is streamed , the quicker she might fade away . No more overproduced songs about each of her exes or rival songstresses

Joke aside , i'm sure she'll enjoy being unpaid a whole year instead with people torrenting or streaming illegally her stuff .

3487d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

All i know is that whenever a site prevent me from accessing contents until i disable adblocks , instead of asking nicely , i skip the site

3488d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

But cars get released every year . You likewise don't have to actively pursue them every years .

What's amazing is that many of the people making fun of this are still lining up to pick up the yearly iterations of Android rivals .

No one gotta buy a phone every year . if you do it's your whim ... and money

3503d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Both can be explained , just not in a class that should feature it , that's the whole point

3507d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

A science class got no business teaching religious dogma and themes , just like a Spanish classic got nothing to do with French .

Even local catholic schools understands that , and just teach their faith another way in other courses .

Nothing prevents using Creationism elsewhere , but in education fields that actually rely on concrete facts , evidence , or theories that are backed up until debunked , it has no place .

3507d ago 9 agree2 disagreeView comment

People love to say that ... but to do what ? What if beyond exercising a bit for your health , there isnt much to do in your area , and what if it's even some unsavory places ?

around here outside equals = junkies , hobos , mugging , gangs , getting run over by cars , and very few places around to hang and play safely ...

Not going to send kids alone out there , after school and dark , because it's "not good to stare at screens" all day

3572d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well we can easily guess they'll not stop at just some nice dinner ... and any decent legislator should just say no thank you , let's meet at my office , to begin with

3621d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Sure , but would anyone say they'd drop it anyway ?

After all , MS was very adamant they'd keep packing the Kinect with XB1 till the day they announced kinect less packs .

And they were supposed to support Zune devices too ... we all know how it ended

Promises of utmost support from a company that drops everything in trouble like a hot potato , rings hollow .

Mind you , most companies are like that , not just MS

3623d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Here we go , instertellar is happening /jk

3679d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I have some issue here with the dismissal . When the law bending to corporate will MAKES Google erase movie , musics , games and books related pirate links and search engine , it's all dandy and they do comply , even when dragging their feet .

But when it's a bunch of people whose privacy is endangering , now they take a moral highground and neutral stance ?

3748d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

"4Chan — a highly inaccessible, niche Internet community, inhabited largely by trolls "

Lol keep telling yourself that . There are tons of trolls , wich in turn , in the "safety" of being anonymous , get tempted to troll as well ... but regardless , the traffic over 4chan was always huge , even before stuff like the fappening scandals and gamergate .

There are plenty reasons why people go there , rangeing from piracy to simple and mundane ...

3775d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

as if any phone was supposed to be let go from 2 floors . I dont care if they are in mythril or adamantium , at such prices no way i'm not careful with those

3867d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well that would be his point , they aint your friend , so they are beyond caring about your private life with scrutiny , so long as it doesnt raise alarms and flags . Till then you're a lost number in a shuffle of data .

Big brother stuff is scary , but when people massively offer everything voluntary , is this even as frightening as thought decades ago ?

3873d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Lol he probably likes fixing at the "abyssal darkness of a DOS screen for inspiration

3891d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

i have a clutter of icons from various prog on the desktop .. and frankly i dont care .

I never go back usually to the desktop , with bars you dont need to .

Maximised browsers and other applications always hide the desktop anyway , even with multiple screens .

3924d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

An amazing ability that will be there when the screens cost half less and actually got content supporting the native resolution .

People have a right to be early adopters and tech afficionados , but let's call a spade a spade ... it is inefficient for today's stuff and a waste of money for most people . Of course it's their money to burn

3953d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

It obviously wont be the best application for it . If a criminal is going to bother through "batman level preps" , he certainly can think hard enough to avoid being in a situation were he'd be tased anyway

3959d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment