
Brain memory code cracked, claims scientists

What's Hawt: Despite a century of research, memory encoding in the brain has remained mysterious. Neuronal synaptic connection strengths are involved, but synaptic components are short-lived while memories last lifetimes. This suggests synaptic information is encoded and hard-wired at a deeper, finer-grained molecular scale.

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Community4666d ago
Speed-Racer4666d ago

Imagine scientists being able to manipulate your memories in the future, that could be some pretty scary stuff.

kaveti66164666d ago

Like in The Matrix, when Trinity needs to fly a helicopter or when Neo learns all fighting styles in a sitting.

Getowned4666d ago

sounds good to me I wouldn't mind,maybe they could help me with math class.

WitWolfy4666d ago

Too bad those fighting moves didnt help him much when he was outside the Matrix though

Soldierone4666d ago

If politicians get their hands on it in any way I will want my own island away from every body as soon as possible.

asmith23064666d ago

If that happens can I join you? Ill bring beers.

Hozi4665d ago (Edited 4665d ago )

I wanna be on that island too. I can plant crops and take care of the animals. I know we gonna have to build houses too. I am good at those things. I want no part in a world where people will be directly manipulated to do the bidding of evil men.

Guitardr854666d ago

Going beyond manipulating memory, if we find out how to create memory, education, etc...we would be able to create beings based upon our own set-up. That's even scarier!

mcgrottys4666d ago (Edited 4666d ago )

reminds me of the movie the island.

raytraceme4666d ago

I can imagine teachers being irrelevant in about 20 years if scientists can let us store information into our brains.

wjbjnr4666d ago

The thing that comes in my mind is............. COD : Black OPS :). What happened to that guy whose memory was encrypted with a signal could really be possible!

GameGuy4666d ago

This article had way too many big words for me. I need a summary lol

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James Webb Space Telescope finds 'extremely red' supermassive black hole growing

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