
Pocket-Lint: Sony PlayStation Vita Review

Pocket-Lint: Let’s not beat around the bush; we like the PlayStation Vita, we like it a lot. In fact, we’re happy to say that we have never fallen for a handheld games console as much as we have the PS Vita. It is to hardcore gamers what a Penny Black is to a philatelist.

Admittedly, it has few rivals battling for our affections. There’s the Nintendo 3DS and, er, that’s it. Some might say that the Apple iPhone or iPod touch are valid competitors, but to compare it to an iOS device, in gaming terms, is to compare a Lamborghini to a Ford Ka, and anybody who tries will come across as an idiot.

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Community4555d ago

Sony Playstation Vita Cracked

Carl Williams writes, "The Sony Playstation Vita is a marvelous hand held gaming device. I personally don’t own one, yet, but I have been fortunate enough to borrow some here and there from friends over the years. The PS Vita is also a bane for many independent developers that want to release games for it as it has not been opened up. Until now. The first release of a new crack that opens the Sony Playstation Vita to independent developers is finally here. Only took what, four or five years?"

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Community2916d ago

Project Morpheus PlayStation Vita Integration Confirmed

VRFocus: Back in May of this year, Sony Computer Entertainment Europe’s (SCEE) Simon Benson hinted at the possibility that the PlayStation Vita may be part of the long-term plan for Project Morpheus. Since then, a member of Benson’s team at SCEE London Studios has gone one further, confirming that the handheld console is already being used internally.

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Community3663d ago

PS Vita's future 'unclear outside of Japan', says Sony boss

Sony Computer Entertainment head Andrew House has admitted that the PS Vita's future is uncertain outside of Japan.

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