
Bloggers cannot enjoy journalists' legal privileges, says judge

Guardian: "A blogger in the US state of Oregon has just been ordered by a court to pay $2.5m (£1.6m) to an investment company because of a defamatory posting.

Crystal Cox was sued by investment firm Obsidian Finance Group for writing several blog posts that were highly critical of the firm and its co-founder Kevin Padrick."

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GearsOfWar4612d ago

Wow, this is just stupid. There are many blogs that provide a "news service". Do you have to be paid off and sold out to post any news or articles now?

This is going to get worse if they go after people who use Twitter or any other social network.

KingPin4611d ago

then it should work both ways and say that blogs/social networks arent allowed to be used as sources.

but whatever, there is a thing called freedom of speech.


Call Yourself An “Influencer”? The Whole World Just Hears The Word “Idiot”

NRM: "The word “influencer” gets thrown around a lot by brands and people alike. And I’m here, on behalf of bloggers, creators and the future of humanity to say one thing. Stop it."

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Cobra9512258d ago

I've been aware of the flak over this word only recently. I don't get it. It's innocuous enough. Not that I much care one way or the other, since I don't use it.

So, what is your suggested replacement for it? Don't leave a vacuum. Also, I think you're wrong about the lack of influence. I am certainly influenced by folks like Paul, from Paul's Hardware.

drpepperdude2256d ago

Of course these people are influencers or they wouldn't get so much free stuff.

Cobra9512256d ago

He influences me because of his informed persuasive commentary on PC hardware, not because he gets free stuff (which I don't begrudge him one bit).

drpepperdude2256d ago

They are influencers no matter how much you want to deny it and calling people a "idiot" is not a way to get your point across. Honestly you come off as someone who is jealous of someone else's sponsorship deals and can't cope with your liberal thoughts. Why do liberals always use the same words especially humanity like they represent everyone? Acting like you prove your point by saying everyone agrees with you automatically makes me not care what you have to say.

Cobra9512256d ago

I definitely agree the piece is too caustic and judgmental. I don't know about jealousy or politics, though.


Blogger fury over tax credit rejection

A British parenting blogger says she has been denied working tax credits because she is unable to prove her working hours.


Google’s Blogger gets Featured Post widget to help you showcase your favorite blog posts

Google is introducing a new tool for bloggers to highlight articles they've written on their own blogs.

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