Nintendo 3DS sales up 325 per cent

Nintendo's 3DS hadn't been fairing so well, launched with a premium price of £220 ($250), the portable 3D console saw an almost immediate price cut to £130 ($170) after exceptionally poor sales figures, in part due to the the high cost of the system but also largely due to the lack of strong release-day titles.

However, just in time for the holiday season, Nintendo's most popular in-house franchise, Super Mario, has now landed on the 3DS. Since the release of Super Mario 3D Land in the US on November 11th, 3DS sales have soared, seeing a rise of 325 per cent, with the game selling over 500,000 copies in but a few weeks, making this the fastest selling portable Mario game, ever.

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Community4623d ago

Nintendo delayed Breath of the Wild sequel until spring 2023

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