
Anonymous posts UC Davis cop details after pepper-spray incident

The online hacktivist group Anonymous is once again in the news, this time for the naming and shaming of a University of California Davis Police officer for what it says was total brutalization of the Occupy campus protestors. The incident caught in its entirety on camera, ended up on YouTube just hours later.

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Anonymous hackers take over Victoria's Human Rights Commission website

Group leaves nonsensical message about its social network AnonPlus, saying it is ‘non-criminal’

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How to Create an Anonymous Email Account

The Internet doesn't make it easy to go completely anonymous. Here's how you can stay hidden even when emailing.

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How Anonymous Just Fooled Donald Trump, the Secret Service, and the FBI

Anonymous just pulled a fast one on Donald Trump, his campaign staff, the Secret Service, and the FBI — in one brilliant and telling fell swoop.

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