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Speed-Racer (5) - 4630d ago Cancel
ssb3173 (1) - 4630d ago Cancel
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Facebook puts out Messenger for Windows for beta testing; MSN killer?

Facebook has now pushed out its Messenger for Windows desktop app, which features chat, notifications and the popular ticker feed, to a limited audience.

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Community4630d ago
Speed-Racer4630d ago

I doubt i'd ever go to FB chat. MSN ftw

GrumpyVeteran4629d ago

Doubt it. I'm content with live messenger & skype, have no desire to sign up to FB ever. No point using a tacky imitation when I can use a well established program right now.

TheEatingVodka4629d ago

I will never create a FB account cause I'm too afraid my boss will want to add me..

TheEatingVodka4629d ago

Can't dude.. It's too dangerous!
What if he later finds out I did that? He'll probably fire my ass

Speed-Racer4629d ago

I'm pretty sure you could sue him or have the company fined. Facebook acceptance isn't part of your work contract. If it is (unless you work for the feds), you shouldn't be working there.

BeerBro4629d ago (Edited 4629d ago )

you can change the privacy settings so that other ppl can't add you, only YOU can add others.

or you can make your profile un-searchable through search engines, so only you have the ability to search and add others

Series_IIa4629d ago

No doubt it will be just like FB chat which:

- Spams previous messages over and over
- Disconnects you every 10 minutes
- Doesn't send messages frequently

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Messenger will return the Facebook mobile app thanks to Meta

Messenger will return the Facebook mobile app thanks to Meta.

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Community501d ago

How to change your birthday on Facebook

Now you can get happy birthday messages on your actual birthday instead of some random day.

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Community858d ago
855d ago

Facebook says to follow its livestream rules or be banned, this is your only warning

Facebook has to implement new rules for Facebook Live because people are literally the worst. Now, if you break the rules you'll receive a ban.

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Community1899d ago