
Why Linux Isn’t As Good As Everyone Makes It Out To Be

"Linux is a highly developed, stable and advanced operating system – this, I will never question.

So what’s the problem? Why, in the year 2011 is Linux still not ready for the desktop? It works – sure, but after a long time using Linux as a primary operating system I’m just about ready to buy a Macbook Pro and dual boot Windows."

- Tim Brookes of MakeUseOf

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sjaakiejj4631d ago

I'd say his points are valid, but not completely relevant. Linux is a very different OS to Windows, and like initially you had to learn to use Windows, you also have to learn how to use Linux. This does mean that you need to use different software, that while similar to the Windows equivalents, is very different to use.

As for the interface (Unity) on Ubuntu, you can very easily install a different Window Manager. If you're not sure how to do it, look at one of the guides:

Then he says "The Many Distributions", right after saying " is often referred to as the OS of choice for switchers." about Ubuntu, which means he didn't have to look through all of those distributions. Additionally, there's many articles that tell you which distribution is suitable for you.

Finally, playing Games. You can play quite a few of them on Wine, some run better than the windows versions, some run worse. In the end though, this is something that's related to developers, not so much to Linux. And on the flipside, if you want to _develop_ games, there's no better OS than Linux.

f7897904631d ago

The terminal is the biggest issue. You shouldn't need to use that ever. I have a job as basic tech support and people can barely make it through the Control Panel in Windows. They will never be able to use the terminal in Linux. Until that changes, Linux is just going to be for techies and no one else.

sjaakiejj4631d ago

The terminal is not an issue though, considering that the people who actually go to tech support will never have to touch it, as the basic functionality that they need is already provided by the GUI.

The terminal is there for power users, and will always be there. It's not a limitation of the OS, simply a feature.

Essentially, Windows runs on a terminal in the background as well. The only difference is that Windows hides it from you, losing the advantages that it brings to have it. I for one wouldn't use Linux if it wasn't for the terminal. Hell, it's one of the main reasons I use it over Windows (That, and that Linux is much more stable than Windows, much faster than Windows, is much better for development than Windows and doesn't need a yearly reformat like Windows)


Targeting Windows and Linux systems, a new crypto-mining malware, LemonDuck came around

Targeting Windows and Linux systems, a new crypto-mining malware, LemonDuck came around. Follow advises from the Microsoft.

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congnghebizo1089d ago

Website: https://phukiendienthoaigia...

Trung tâm Phân Phối Phụ Kiện Điện Thoại, Thiết Bị Công Nghệ

congnghebizo1089d ago

Trung tâm Phân Phối Phụ Kiện Điện Thoại, Thiết Bị Công Nghệ


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