
Galaxy Nexus vs Samsung Galaxy S II

Pocket-Lint: Picture the Galaxy Nexus as a tabby and the Samsung Galaxy S II as a group of birds pecking around at Trafalgar Square. Now set that cat amongst theose pigeons and you’ll have some idea of the effect of the launch of the latest Nexus phone on those who already own or were looking to buy what is, was, or still might be Samsung’s top TouchWiz branded Android mobile phone. What we’re trying to say is that there might just be a new best handset in town.

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fatstarr4659d ago

seems the S II is just the phone to have right now. the only thing the nexus really has is sexy ice cream sandwich, both are good phones but i think i will wait for the inevitable S III and 4.0 seems like that will be the bench to beat based on the leaked specs.

Anarki4659d ago

Nothing can stop the GS2!! Glad I got one

-Mezzo-4659d ago

I completely agree, but i think Android 4.0 is a good enough reason to buy Galaxy Nexus over S2.


The History of Nexus Smartphones

Back in the end of 2009, the rumors were all about Google getting into the phone business. Previously Google offered what were called Android Developer Phones, starting with the HTC G1- the beginning of the Android Era. Then came the Original Nexus series starting with the Nexus One- introduced at the beginning of 2010. Nexus Devices are considered as Google's flagship Android products. The history of Android is directly linked with the Nexus series. Each Nexus device was introduced to showcase latest versions of Android. It shows the evolution of Android over the years and how the hardware Android runs on has changed and improved.Also they are the first Android devices to receive updates to the operating system. Let's see the Nexus Smartphone series- starting with the Nexus One to the newly announced Nexus 6.

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TechImperia3567d ago

I know people would disagree but "Nexus 5" has been the best nexus so far in terms of price vs performance ratio.

Devil-X3567d ago

Good reminder that nexus phones weren't always equally cheap as the nexus 4 and nexus 5, so nexus 6 pricing is still pretty much in line with today's flagships such as Xperia Z3 or HTC M8.


Smouldering smartphones: a brief history of mobile phone fires and how to avoid them

Smartphones are a mixture of electronic circuitry and potentially volatile substances, or at least that’s what victims of spontaneous cellphone combustion believe. There’s a dotted history of sparking, fiery smartphones while simply sitting on a desk or plugged into the wall charging.

Most recently, a 13-year-old American girl woke to find her Samsung Galaxy S4 smouldering under her pillow in the middle of the night...

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A Quick History of the Galaxy S Series: From the Galaxy S to S5

iSquad Repair tech columnist Gabe Carey takes a retrospective look at Samsung's Galaxy S smartphone devices, from beginning to end.

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