
Amazon tablet coming in November for $250?

Engadget - Much ink has been spilled in the rumor mill about a coming Amazonian tablet, and now those rumors look to be confirmed. TechCrunch has apparently gotten some time with Amazon's forthcoming slate, and reports that it has a 7-inch, backlit color capacitive screen and is bereft of physical buttons.

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Community4709d ago
-Mezzo-4711d ago

$250 is really nothing, but i doubt it's true, as Amazon still has a Kindle Model priced at $379.

If this rumors is indeed true, i'll be one the first people to get it.

gw4k4709d ago

I bet this is more possible than not. Think about it, the Nook Color is a terrific Android device. The levels of customization are awesome! Easily over clocked, modded like crazy! It's only $250! Not only that but it has sold over 4 million!


Amazon to Battle Apple iPad With Tablet

WSJ: Amazon.com Inc. has battled Apple Inc. over digital books, digital music and mobile applications. Now the two companies are taking their clash to another front: the tablet market.

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