
Xbox 360 to get 3D gaming in next update

3D technology has finally made the jump to the Xbox 360, and will go live in the next firmware update coming in a few days time. It will bring stereoscopic 3D support to a few big titles, the first of them being Halo Anniversary.

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RonyDean4713d ago

I have been looking for a reason to buy a 3D TV! Can anyone recommend a good one?

VINNIEPAZ4712d ago (Edited 4712d ago )

I just got a Panasonic TC-P55ST30 and the picture is awesome. Colors are rich and blacks inky. Great set. IMO (and many others) Panasonic is the best in Plasmas. I would highly recommend a Plasma over a LCD TV any day of the week. You cant go wrong with this set and any of the higher GT and VT models.

olLANDSHARKlo4713d ago

Do not buy a vizio, probably a PS3 fanboy, that doesn't do any research before buying. Panasonic leads in LCD, Samsung in Plasma and LED.

Zechs344713d ago ShowReplies(1)
thedisagreefairy4712d ago

panasonic does not make lcd's. so much for telling yourself that you are smarter than a ps3 fanboy.

zero_cool4713d ago

Nothing wrong with vizio tv's stop being brand slave!

zero_cool4713d ago

Good now that all the platform giants are behind 3D the future looks even brighter for 3D entertainment!

toaster4712d ago

Except that 3D is a gimmick. As soon as everyone stops pushing for 3D integration then we can get into bigger better things like OLED and higher resolution. Everyone is so infatuated with 3D for some reason.

LNDCalling4712d ago

I don't think 3D is a gimmick, but each to their own I suppose and I can see why people have been sceptical as 3D has been thrown in to the entertainment sector many times in the past and not always in a good way!

Ultra HD (UHD) is already here mind, in next few years and next Gen or possibly the one after I would expect we will be seeing it as given that 3D is selling well comparatively to HD I would expect a slow release of ultra high HD (UHD) TV's by then. Everywhere tends to be three + years behind Far East (Japan / China) tech wise imo!




pocketaces114712d ago

@toaster If you think about it a little 3D is paving the way for those in both pushing the threshold of price and pushing for a need for higher resolution. So I wouldn't really look at it as gimmicky.

MorningStar4712d ago

This is a load of crap. Xbox 360 already supports 3D gaming. Microsoft said this a long time ago but they do not plaster it all over their advertisements. My Xbox 360 has this option already so it isint coming in an update it is already in the Xbox 360.

pocketaces114712d ago

Douch they put a 3d logo on anything that supported it just like microsoft and ps3 put online multiplayer as a feature on their games.

Luckily for them they were not as strong at denying their support for 3D as they were with blueray.

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Microsoft Ends Production of XBox 360, Online Servers to Remain Active

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BLow3019d ago

Oh, boy I can imagine how this thread will turn out. I'm kind of surprised by this news but then I'm not because....well....
Grabs popcorn.....

PhoenixUp3019d ago

Xbox 360 had a good run. I thought Wii would be globally discontinued before this happened.

3019d ago
hduce3019d ago (Edited 3019d ago )

It's sad to see it go but some good things must come to an end. I met a lot of good people who have become longtime friends on the Xbox 360.

Tzuno3018d ago

I hope they will not abandon the manufacturing of X360 controllers, i find them the best.


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