
iPhone 5 and Google Nexus 3 Both coming in September? Which one will you buy?

There has been lot of hype over the upcoming iPhone 5 and its launch in September, Also the upcoming Google Nexus 3 has also gathered unusual attention with reports stating that it will be launching at the same time as the iPhone 5.

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mcstorm4731d ago

If this is true then september could be a big month in the mobile market as there is also talks of wp7 mango up date out too which could be another choice for us all to pick from depending on how ms push the devices.

dilawer4731d ago

I guess as usual Apple will maintain dominance

Etseix4731d ago

sadly the iphones hardly change that much ...

lil Titan4731d ago

they havent changed since the 3G, there just a little faster from the last one. i hope this time it'll have a bigger screen other wise i might pass on this iPhone

Mustang300C20124731d ago

No different than the EVO getting 3D which wasn't much of a change from the previous phone. Not much different across the industry.

atticus144730d ago

Maintain? They still have glorious sales but they are actually losing ground now, which hopefully will be good for them as iOS 5 is nothing but android features brought to iphone but im sure it will be spun as innovative and magical.

Anyway seeing an iphone 5 and nexus in sept is probably wishful thinking. A new iphone is likely to be in the vein of a 3GS refresh with the 5 coming next year and a Nexus launch would cannibalize sales of the long awaited Galaxy SII (Samsung makes both). I would love to grab either 2 nexus or 1 and 1 but with the horrible wait the US has had to endure for the release of GSII, nexus may not hit till next year on any subsidized plans in the US.

BubbleSniper4731d ago

i want someone to create a phone that is both functional and visually appeasing enough to put the hurt on Apples fashion phone

krazykombatant4731d ago

Neither, I'm happy with my xperia arc.

Madusha4731d ago

iPhone 5 and yes it will come out in September. I'm 10000% sure.


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franwex2661d ago

I still use my iPhone 4. It's my alarm clock and sometimes I watch youtube on the mobile browser late at night.