
Engadget - LG Optimus 3D review

Engadget - Cilantro might be the most polarizing thing on this planet. Some people can't eat a fish taco without it, others cry frothy tears of dishsoap at its mere mention. The same may well be true of the LG Optimus 3D (known as the Thrill 4G in the US).

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LG CX2, the "Optimus 3D 2," Revealed

PocketNow writes "LG is reportedly preparing a followup to its first 3D-capable handset, the Optimus 3D, in the form of a device codenamed CX2. While not a revolutionary advance over its predecessor, the CX2 does manage to improve the auto-stereoscopic display, beef up the processor, and facilitate the conversion of two-dimensional material into stereoscopic footage..."

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Ice Cream Sandwich ported to Galaxy S II and LG Optimus 3D

Man, these hackers work fast. It was just earlier this week when Google released the source code for Ice Cream Sandwich, and a mere four days later the new OS has made its way onto Samsung's Galaxy S II. While ICS is looking good on the GSII's gorgeous AMOLED display, the port is still an alpha -- the Bluetooth, WiFi and other radios aren't functioning just yet, but work is ongoing, and future releases are coming soon. Sound good? Well, wait'll you get a load of the port in action in the video after the break.

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Optimus 3D game converter set to go live - adds third dimension to 2D

Pocket-Lint: LG's 3D game converter is almost here, transforming 2D apps into three dimensional experiences on its glasses-free Optimus 3D handset.

The software is due to arrive this month in Europe, with the rest of the world getting the download over "the next several weeks", LG has announced.

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